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Old 06/08/15, 08:39 PM   #191
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Ryan finds a beam, and uses it to repair the foundation of the building, and transforms back, and everyone explains to each other what happened.

Then Kaitlin takes out her compact and puts on some lipstick, and Grimlord has Ivar, and some Skugs activate the Mirror Replicator.

and some pink lasers shoot out at Kaitlin, and surround her face, and her reflection starts looking evil.

Then the evil Kaitlin teleports to the Dark Fortress, and we know she's evil because she swears allegiance to Grimlord, and Grimlord gives her a device, and orders her to destroy the Troopers.

Then Evil Kaitlin appears at the Underground Voice Daily, and after five seconds of pretending to be the real thing she just beats up Ryan, and briefly transforms.

And afterwards gets a message from Grimlord telling to go to the lab, and sabotage it while Ryan gets up from his beating.

Meanwhile back at the Underground Voice Daily the real Kaitlin, and the other reporters are putting stuff back when she gets a message from JB already in Trooper mode, and transforms to help.

While Evil Kaitlin appears at the Underground Voice Daily, and steals the VR disc but Ryan contacts the Professor who explains everything.

Ryan arrives at the lab just as Evil Kaitlin is about to destroy the lab but Ryan, and the Professor show her the real Kaitlin, and JB who are getting beat up by Ivar, Stingbot, and Skugs.

And Ryan tries to convince her she's too much like the real Kaitlin, and it works, and the other Kaitlin transforms to help the real one while Ryan tries to save the lab.

JB, and the two Kaitlins destroy Grimlord's machines, and the other Kaitlin explains what's going on when Skugs, and Stingbot appear.

JB fights off the Skugs but Stingbot spits acid at him so he takes the fight to virtual reality while Ryan barely saves the lab, and afterwards transforms.

Then we get a cool part where Ryan pilots his spaceship, and they edit it to have him blow up Air Fighters from Spielban.

While JB tries to fight off Stingbot but Stingbot makes these robot bees appear, and attack JB, and the two Kaitlins.

Ryan destroys the Air Fighters while JB destroys the robot bees.

But Stingbot spits acid at them so Kaitlin one shoots lasers, and Kaitlin two throws her double edged scythe at him, and JB destroys Stingbot, and the Skugs with Laser Lance.

Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers but believes that the two Kaitlins will destroy each other.

And at the lab the Professor explains that if they can't recombine the two Kaitlins in 24 hours they'll both cease to exist.

To be continued.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 06/09/15, 08:06 PM   #192
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass part two written by David Avalon, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off where we left off with the Professor explaining that if they don't recombine the two Kaitlins they'll both cease to exist, and the process is already starting.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor, and one of his secretaries explain his plan to create mirror duplicates of everyone on Earth.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and Oraclon shows him some Spielban footage of Ivar, and some Skugs making more mirror replicators.

Back at the lab the Troopers, and the Professor try to recombine the two Kaitlins but it fails.

The Professor explains that they have to either get Grimlord's original device or find a rare crystal similar to the one that powers it.

Ryan, and the two Kaitlins decide to go to Tao dojo while JB stays at the lab because he still doesn't trust Kaitlin two.

Despera, and some Skugs are in human form loading the Mirror Replicators onto trucks, and JB finds out, and investigates.

Meanwhile at Tao dojo Ryan, and the two Kaitlins can't find the crystal they need, and Kaitlin two takes out the device Grimlord gave her, and stuns Ryan, and Kaitlin one, and teleports.

JB finds the boxes, and trucks containing the Mirror Replicators but Despera, and the Skugs catch him, and transform into their real forms, and the Skugs transform directly from human form to Ultra Skugs.

Not much happens other than JB kicks the Ultra Skugs, and the Ultra Skugs try to trip him, and grab him but JB gets them off, and kicks them into each other destroying them.
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Old 06/09/15, 08:07 PM   #193
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

But Despera summons a weird goofy looking red lion like mutant with the unusual name of Serpentoid so JB transforms.

Serpentoid rams into JB a bunch of times, and JB tries to punch him but Serpentoid beats him up instead.

So JB pulls out his ray gun but Serpentoid runs away so JB summons the Fighter Bike, and chases after Serpentoid.

Grimlord orders Oraclon to send Grimstars after JB, and we see them, and some Air Fighters fire on JB.

So he tries to contact the other Troopers, and the Professor explains what's going on so he sends Jeb to revive the other Troopers.

Back at the Dark Fortress Kaitlin two explains what's going on, and that she was just pretending to betray him.

While at Tao dojo Jeb wakes up Ryan, and Kaitlin one, and explains what's going on so they both transform.

Ryan summons the Combat Module, and destroys Grimlord's underground factory.

While Kaitlin two steals the main Mirror Replicator device, escapes the Dark Fortress, gives the device to the Troopers, and transforms.

Ryan appears, and fires on Serpentoid, and the Skugs but Ivar shows up in his own tank along with some tanks Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers, and fires at Ryan.

So Ryan summons the VR Troopertron, and it quickly destroys the Air Fighters, Quantum Cruisers, and Ivar's tanks.

JB, and the two Kaitlins jump punch Serpentoid, and JB destroys him with Laser Lance.

And at the Dark Fortress Grimlord once again shames his minions, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the lab the Troopers, and the Professor try to recombine the two Kaitlins, and it works but then Jeb accidentally knocks over the Mirror Replicator device.

But all that does is result in Kaitlin now being able to summon Kaitlin two whenever she's in Trooper mode.

Ryan then reminds us of the moral of the day the end.
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Old 06/09/15, 08:08 PM   #194
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

This whole thing was pretty cool actually.

You know how usually I have a problem with an episode having a good story but bad execution.

Well this almost the opposite in that on paper it sounds like a rehash of Good Trooper Bad Trooper.

But I did like Kaitlin two especially since it seemed like Sarah Brown enjoyed being a bad guy for a change.

And I actually liked how Kaitlin two had to pretend to still be working for Grimlord.

I also liked that technically we now have a fourth Trooper.

Really I think my only problem is the same thing I always have which is that I would have liked it if they could have found a way to combine this with Rise of the Red Python, and have Amy from that episode become the fourth Trooper.

Like have Rise of the Red Python be a three parter, and have it be like the Rise of the Red Python we did get up until the end of part two.

And have the end of part two be like the end of part one of this episode, and have part three be like the part two of this episode.

I liked Stingbot, and thought he was a cool monster but Serpentoid was just silly looking, and even then I probably wouldn't have cared if they called him Lionoid, or Lionbot.

It also bugged me that it seemed like they didn't even use all of Serpentoid's fight scene from Spielban.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 06/11/15, 12:12 AM   #195
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Kaitlin Goes Hollywood written by Margo McCahon, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan talks about the time his father told him that game and fortune don't always go together.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Woody, and Percy are taking pictures of Kaitlin for the paper which leads to a comedy bit with Percy, and a fan.

Then a man, and his entourage comes in, and he explains that he's a famous movie director Phillip Marceu, and he's having a casting call to find someone for his newest movie, and takes one look at Kaitlin, and wants her to audition.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is watching on his monitor and once again has been reading the Power Rangers villain playbook because it gives him an idea to destroy the Troopers.

So he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Icebot, and orders him to send a mutant that can destroy the Troopers, and make it a movie at the same time, and Icebot recommends Photobot.

At the audition Kaitlin is nervous but after some encouragement from Ryan she imagines herself being famous.

Then we see the auditions, and none of them are that good but when it's Kaitlin's turn she nails it, and Marceu decides to make her the star of his movie.

Back at the Dark Fortress Icebot shows Grimlord Photobot who no surprise looks like a humanoid movie camera while elsewhere we see Ivar goofing off, and deciding he wants to direct.

While at a park the Troopers are having a picnic while Kaitlin is confused because she wants the part in Marceu's movie but worries that it means she can no longer be a VR Trooper.

But Ivar is watching them, and a guy comes up to them complaining about litter, and he turns into a bunch of Skugs.
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Old 06/11/15, 12:13 AM   #196
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Not much happens other than JB kicks some Skugs while Ryan, and Kaitlin dodge Skugs and throw them.

JB kicks some Skugs into each other, and Ryan throws the other Skugs into each other destroying them.

Then Kaitlin goes to lunch with Marceu, and Ryan, and JB spy on her wearing stereotypical 80's rocker clothes, and wigs, and there's some comedy with an annoying waiter.

Later at Tao dojo Tao tells Ryan, and JB that they should be happy for Kaitlin, and after he leaves the Professor contacts them, and explains what's going on so they both transform.

Ryan summons the Blue Hawk while Photbot fires a laser at JB, and Ivar comes after him with his sword but JB dodges them, and kicks them.

At the movie set the Professor contacts Kaitlin, and explains what's going on, and Kaitlin decides to go.

But Philip tells her if she leaves he'll never work with her again but she leaves anyway, and transforms.

Kaitlin, and JB beat up Skugs, and then Kaitlin decides to split into two Kaitlins, and they beat up Skugs some more.

Grimstars, Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters fire on everyone so JB takes the fight to virtual reality, and Ryan destroys all the Quantum Cruisers, Air Fighters, and Grimstars.

Photobot shoots lasers at Kaitlin, and JB so they shoot lasers at him, and JB destroys him with Laser Lance.

At the Dark Fortress Ivar tries pass the blame onto Icebot, and Photobot but Grimlord shames him anyway.

At the movie set Marceu has found a new leading lady but Kaitlin is glad she chose her friends, and being a Trooper over the part.

Ryan then reminds us of the moral of the day the end.
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Old 06/11/15, 12:13 AM   #197
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the whole story about Kaitlin having to choose between being a famous actress, and being a VR Trooper.

Mostly because looking back it's strangely prophetic when you remember what happened to Brad Hawkins, and Sarah Brown in real life.

I also liked all the various funny parts like the Audition, Ryan, and JB's disguises, and the bit with Ivar at the beginning.

I also liked Photobot he was a cool monster with cool powers, and he was quite appropriate for the episode.

I also can't really think of anything that they took out from the Spielban episode they used.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 06/12/15, 02:44 PM   #198
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Grimlord Takes Root written by Michael Ryan, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan talks about the time his father told him that no good deed goes unrewarded.

We then go to a garden where Kaitlin, and some others are taking pictures of flowers for a gardening issue but Percy keeps sneezing.

We then see some Spielban footage of a Skug driving a truck when a box falls out the back, and spills plants that magically plant themselves.

At Ziktor industries one of Ziktor's secretaries informs him of what happened, and Ziktor is actually glad because it just means his plan is going ahead of schedule.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and he, and his minions explain that the plants are vines that will squeeze the life from everything in Crossworld City, and eventually also turn into virtual mutants.

Back at Kaitlin's photo shoot there's a comedy bit where Percy finally finds a plant that he's not allergic to, and it turns out to be poison ivy.

Then one of Grimlord's vines grabs him so Kaitlin, and the other reporters get it off, and Kaitlin tells them to go back to the Underground Voice Daily with Percy, and contacts Ryan, and JB.

Kaitlin shows Ryan, and JB where the vine was but it's disappeared leaving nothing but leaves but JB decides to take some so the Professor can analyze it.

Meanwhile Grimlord is watching in the Dark Fortress, while his vines wrap around Ryan, and JB's bikes.

And when the Troopers go to the lab they're blocked by some old ladies who turn out to be Skugs.

Not much happens other than the Skugs try to kick the Troopers but the Troopers kick the Skugs so they retreat.

Grimlord then orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid, and really not much happens here either.

Let me put it this way go back to The Dojo Plot, and watch the Battle Grid segment from it.

But you have to watch it with the sound off, and you have to cut off about four seconds into the part with Ryan on the rock formation.

And then go back to it at the part where JB does the mid air kick, and it segues into the part where everyone fights one at a time in the same scene.

All the while imagining different dialogue for it.

Congratulations you just saw this episode's Battle Grid segment.

Seriously the only not taken from that is that they refilmed Kaitlin's Battle Grid transformation to acknowledge that Sarah Brown has different hair now.

I will say that I like that when it's over, and the Troopers return to reality it cuts right to them back in the park back out of Battle Grid mode.

The Troopers then see what happened to Ryan, and JB's bikes, and JB, and Kaitlin go to the lab while Ryan stays.
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Old 06/12/15, 02:45 PM   #199
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Back at the Dark Fortress Grimlord is glad with how things are going, and orders Ivar, and the Skugs to distribute more of the vines.

At the lab the Professor analyzes the vine, and explains what's going on.

And the Professor, and JB go on about how if the same thing that makes the vines grow so fast was used for other plants it could conceivably end hunger.

Back at the park Grimlord's vines start wrapping around Ryan, and squeeze the life out of him.

While back at the lab JB, and Kaitlin watch some Shaider footage, and find out about the vines being able to turn into mutants.

At the park Ryan tries to free himself from the vines, and remembers his father telling him to always think of a way out of your problems.

While back at the lab the Professor does a scan of the city, it reveals that Grimlord's vines are all over the place.

Ryan transforms, and frees himself from the vine, and Kaitlin, and JB inform him of what's going on.

The Professor explains that the vines have already turned into two mutants Vegbot, and Chlorophoid so JB, and Kaitlin transform as well.

JB flies around on his Fighter Bike destroying Grimlord's trucks with lasers but then trees appear, and block his path.

Ryan goes to a house that's being attacked by Vegbot who's this weird plant monster with a giant head, and a weird Predator like face.

Vector then wraps Ryan with vines but Ryan frees himself with his sword so Vegbot escapes into the Indigo Sector, and Ryan chases after him.

JB needs help so Kaitlin splits into two, but Ivar sends some Skugs, and the Skugs, and trees close in on JB, and the two Kaitlins.

Vegbot has grown giant, and is shooting electricity at Ryan so Ryan shoots his laser, and it shrinks Vegbot.

But Vegbot just teleports, and wraps Ryan in vines, and electrocutes, and throws him but Ryan frees himself with his laser.

The two Kaitlins are fighting Skugs, and Chlorophoid who's this weird green plant creature with a domed head, and branches, and vines coming out.

JB helps them but Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers fire on them so JB takes the fight to virtual reality.

Chlorophoid then wraps JB, and the two Kaitlins with vines, and electrocutes them but JB frees himself with his sword, and destroys Chlorophoid with Laser Lance.

While after some choice words from Ryan he destroys Vegbot with Laser Saber.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord shames Ivar for failure, and there's a funny bit where he pretends the communication system isn't working to shut up Grimlord.

Then Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Ryan, and JB meet Kaitlin, and she explains that she sold a sample of the vines to a biological institute because they liked JB's idea of using them to end hunger.

And that the institute wanted to reward them with money, and Kaitlin used it to buy new bikes for Ryan, and JB.

Ryan then reminds us of the moral of the day the end.
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Old 06/12/15, 02:46 PM   #200
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the idea of Grimlord growing killer plants that also eventually turn into mutants.

I also thought that Vegbot, and Chlorophoid were both cool monsters with cool powers.

I also liked the part where the Professor, and JB talk about using whatever Grimlord used to create the vines to end hunger.

Like even if they didn't say anything specifically it felt like they were talking about GMOs particularly genetically modified plants, and how it's just a technology just like any other that can be used for good or evil.

I also liked that they used a Spielban monster, and a Shaider monster that both had similar themes.

Which reminds me of something I forgot to talk about last time which was that Shaider had a monster that was movie camera theme that wasn't in Kaitlin Goes Hollywood.

Really the only thing I can really think of that bothered me was the Battle Grid segment, and that was only because it was just recycled footage of the Battle Grid segment from The Dojo Plot.

It's like how come Ryan doesn't have a new Battle Grid suit based on his Shaider powers?

How come the Troopers are just fighting regular Skugs still, and not Ultra Skugs?

I probably wouldn't even care about recycled footage either if they didn't use everything from just one Battle Grid segment.

Like maybe use a full portal sequence after they transform.

Use the landing scene from all the other Battle Grid segments besides A Dirty Trick, and The Dojo Plot.

Use the V, R, Troopers thing from A Dirty Trick with the full suits.

Use all of the Searching for Tyler Steele footage of Ryan on the rock formation, and some Transmuant footage for JB.

And at the end after Kaitlin, and JB do their mid air kicks have Ryan do that scissor kick he did in The Virtual Spy, and No One's Friend.

And then show that part where the Skugs get knocked into each other.

I don't I'm just throwing things out there.

Other than that I think they cut out some stuff from the Shaider footage they used.

But I think even that could have been solved by just shortening the part where Ryan is trapped by the vines.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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