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Old 11/26/12, 11:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: Power Blasters/Cannons, Blades/Swords, Blasters, Power Weapons

Originally this thread was only going to be related towards info about whether the Power Blaster or Power Cannon-like weapons were in original footage or not but instead I decided to post such info on the actual weapons as well.

Power Axe = New
Power Bow = New
Power Lance = New
Power Daggers = New
Power Sword = New
Dragon Dagger = New
Saba = New

The Alien Rangers were never shown using their weapons in new footage except for Aurico using his Sword in "Forever Red."

Zeo only used the Pistols and the Power Staff in original footage.

Turbo used a lot of their weapons in original footage, I just can't recall with the Auto Blasters or the Turbo Blades. The Blasters do have original footage. Senturion's Synergizer has original footage. Blade does have a short amount of original footage. But otherwise that's it. The individual weapons get original footage.

For Space - pretty much everything had original footage except for the other 4's own Booster Modes.

Same goes for Galaxy, everything got it except for the original Quasar Launchers.

Lightspeed also had original footage for everything but the individual pieces to the Rescuebird were never used in original footage.

Time Force also had original footage for all of their weapons, same with Wild Force.

After that, I cannot tell you.
Of course this excludes the things of which I've already mentioned in the above post in regards to whether they had originial footage or not such as the Power Blaster, Zeo Cannon, Turbo RAM, Turbine Laser, etc.
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