Thread: Hurricanger ?
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Old 06/10/03, 04:28 AM   #8
Tiggs Panther
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 12/31/17
Posts: 5
Default Re: Hurricanger ?

>>I agree,Shurikenger is a lot better character than PRNS's version.Also having
>>the past sentai actors play possible alter egos for Shuri was a very nice

So what about Cam do you not like?

>I enjoyed it, mostly because it shows that PR can use Sentai and be
>creative to how its applied to the show. Honestly I would have like
>to have something similar to Hurricanger, but Jason Chan's
>character needed something like this, he's one of the better actors
>and fighters in the show.

There's also the simple fact that the switch from US to NZ for filming
would mean it would be impossible to do that on a budget. You'd end up
having to track down several former Ranger actors, probably have to
pay them extra for a guesting spot, AND fly them over to NZ. Too much.

Arguably, I'd have preferred someone else to end up as GSR and have
Cam stay in Ninja Ops. They have a believable tech-geek character, and
he was doing as much good behind a computer as the others were on the
field. And when he starts feeling insecure in his role, he suddenly
becomes a Ranger. I guess the geek in me would rather he stayed a
techie, BUT was able to discover that he had just as much true worth
as the others without being a Ranger.

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