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Old 08/19/07, 08:47 AM   #3
solar gardian rider
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 03/07/09
Location: holland
Posts: 18
Default solar gardian rangers

chapter 4 silver gardians part 2 the yellow ranger a
Thomas was fighting a loosing battle and he knew it. Those clone things were much stronger than him. That and he was seriously outnumbered by them. There were 6 of them, all strong. They looked human but they were robots. Thomas was thrown back. The six regrouped a few feet in front of them and lifted their right arms. Thomas gasped. They had morphers.

" Fire stone, ranger form!" they yelled as one. 'uh-oh, not good.' Thomas thought. Their outfits were mostly black with white lines on their chests. Thomas got back to his feet and threw his backpack aside.

" It's morphing time! Time for solar guardian ranger form!" Thomas yelled, morphing into the red tiger suit. He was stronger with the suit but they were, too.

The girl's eyes widened as the guy morphed. She stepped back slightly, falling over a rock as she did so. She let out a yelp. The evil clone who was closets to her, heard it as did Thomas. The evil clone aimed his blaster at her just as Thomas jumped away and towards her.

" Dragon shield." He yelled, blocking the powerful blast. The shield wasn't enough though. He flew back against another tree and lay motionless on the ground.

" No!" the girl yelled. Her eyes fell upon Thomas' backpack. It had opened revealing other morphers. To get to it, she first had to get past the clone who just shot at her. She knew how to fight since her dad was a karate teacher. Time to test if she was as good as everyone else said she was.

She got and ran forward. She ducked a blast from the clone and kicked him aside. It wasn't hard enough to cause damage but it was enough to reach the backpack and grab the first morpher she found the ninja storm morpher from the yellow ranger and she say ninja storm ranger form . while, Thomas was starting to wake up. He looked at the yellow ranger in front of him and smiled.and walk to its backpack caught the morpher from its backpack and says here catch he throws solar gardian morpher and kelly catch it and asks what is there with these . these power are stronger than the power of ninja storm but you can use the power of ninja storm always and thomas says use my morphing call" It's morphing time! Time for solar guardian ranger form kelly say and she looked not like a tiger ranger but ninja storm ranger and arms are yellow instead of silver Looked like finding a team wasn't as hard as he thought. He struggled back to his feet and joined the yellow ranger in battle. They were still outnumbered but they could put up a better fight.

Thomas found it a good time to check out the weapons now. Although he hadn't used them, he could tell now was a good time. To try them out. The girl was already using one of her weapons: a ninja sword. ' She's good.' Thomas thought. He summoned his own sword. red saba They fought back to back for a while, managing to take out two of the clones. Finally the clones retreated, seeing they had found decent opponents. and thomas caught fire stone morpher of the ground and walk to kelly and

Both demorphed and stared at each other.

" Thank you for saving me." The girl spoke.

" Hey, you saved me too so we're even." Thomas smiled widely at the girl who was about to take off her morpher. " No, don't. It's yours. You're meant to be a ranger."
and you may have the ninja storm morpher ass well
" I am?" she asked.

" Yes, I'm Thomas by the way."

" I'm Kelly. Why do you think I am meant to be a ranger?"

" You control the power, you can fight. It wasn't just a coincidence that we met. We were supposed to meet today." Thomas replied enthusiastic. Kelly looked thoughtful.

" I suppose you could be right. I take it you're here alone?"

" Yes, I am. Sit down and I'll tell you why I'm here." Thomas said. they said down side by side next to the river. The sun shinned brightly upon the two. Thomas told her about finding the crystals those years ago when he was fifteen. He told her about leaving his hometown to travel around to find his team. He instinctively knew that he would know who was destined to be a ranger. He told her about his first fight against the mut-orgs. He knew he was good, he just had to become better. Kelly listened the entire time asking a question here and there.

" So, that's pretty much what happened. What about you? Why are you here?" Thomas asked.

" I live in the city. My dad's a karate teacher so I grew up learning how to fight. I never did competitions or anything. I did it just for. I don't know why I kept fighting all those years really. Maybe like you said we were supposed to meet today. As for what I was doing here, I come here quite a lot. It's peaceful and quiet. Well, usually it is." She smiled. Thomas returned the smile. " What happens now?"

" I don't know. I'm new to this too. I guess we should have a base of some sorts with stuff we could use. We can train out here. I don't think we've seen the last of the those clones yet. Something's going on. Another evil is rising, one that we have to defeat." Thomas answered, staring up at the sky.

" Hmm, I think I know a perfect place for a base. Come on." Kelly said. She pulled Thomas to her feet and together they walked towards the city. Along the way, they reached an old house. Kelly entered. Thomas followed her. The house was deserted and in terrible shape.

" Here?" Thomas asked unbelievingly.

" You haven't seen it all." Kelly replied, mysteriously. She walked over to the back wall and knocked on it two times. A door appeared. She opened it. Thomas looked inside and noticed stairs leading downstairs.

" I found this place when I was younger. I always came here when I wanted to hide out or something." Kelly explained. They went downstairs.

Thomas could only stare. There was a large room. Against one of the walls was a bookshelf with some old books. There was one computer which Thomas figured was Kelly's. There was a table. Apart from that, the place was empty.

" I know it needs some cleaning up but it will do." Kelly said. The place was dusty but she hadn't been here in a while. " That's not all." Kelly led Thomas through a hallway leading to another room which was empty. " I came here to train sometimes. There are a few other empty rooms which we should be able to do something with." Kelly told Thomas.

Thomas nodded and wandered around. This place was perfect. It needed some decorating but that wouldn't be a trouble. First, they had to get this place ready before starting to look for other rangers. He knew exactly how to do that. He was gonna spread papers around about some sort of police school opening up which would be called 'Dallas guardians police school.' That way, people could apply and hopefully they'd find their rangers. Of course he needed an address for the applications to be send to.
" Hey, Kelly, what's your address?" Thomas asked.
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