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Old 12/11/14, 07:54 PM   #20
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Final Chapter: Preservation of Legacy Part Two

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Crystal Harbor, this is Brock Lessner reporting for Channel 3 News. We've just been informed that the Power Rangers have been defeated. Our affiliates at Channel 10 have live footage of the Rangers out of their suits, so let's take it to field reporter Amy Jennings, Amy?" Ms. Trejo dropped her plate that contained the dinner she had prepared, the glass breaking once it hit the floor. On her TV screen she saw something that both shocked and frightened her; Vanessa and her friends were on the news, exposed to the entire city that they were the Power Rangers! "I've got to get to her!". Ms. Trejo ran out of her house, when Mr. and Mrs. Pai slowed their car down in front of her. "Get in, we saw the news, Diane is out there with your daughter!". Nodding, she got into the back passenger seat and the car sped off.

"I tell you Bulky, life's been good ever since we found that winning lottery ticket. Spike's been doin good in school too, can you believe that?" Bulk wasn't paying attention to his friend Skull, the two at the latter's mansion. Bulk instead had his eyes glued to a TV news report. "S-Sk-Skull? Look.." "Huh?" Skull looked at the TV, eyes going wide, the two men looking at each other and yelling "SPIKE!!!" "Jeeves, get the car ready, no wait! Bulk, c'mon we'll take yours!" The two friends crashed into each other at the front door, grumbling and running to the mans car, getting in and peeling out.

At the Johnson household, Jerome's mother was sipping on the a cup of hot cocoa as the storm raged outside, watching the TV. She had been feeling much better ever since her son gave her that bottle of water, her strength slowly returning and the cancer going into remission. When the cameraman focused on the six warriors on the ground, she let out a soft gasp, speaking to herself. "My son, a Power Ranger? Looks like right now he needs his mothers help." She stood up slowly, setting her mug down and calling out "Henry, we need to go downtown! Get a move on, hun!" Mr. Johnson came down the stairs, putting his coat on and helping his wife into hers, going to their car.

At Crystal Harbor Penitentiary, Mr. Simmons was hauling feet to the wardens office with two guards behind him, knocking on the door. "Come in." said the Warden, Mr. Simmons entering with a wild look in his eyes. "How may I help you, prisoner?" "Sir, you saw the news, right?" "The one about the Power Rangers, you mean?" "Yes, that one. Sir, my son is one of those Rangers, and he needs my help." "Please sir, let me go to him." "I'm afraid that's out of the question, prisoner. Your sentence ends in only a few weeks, why risk more jail time?" "Because my son is out there, with his friends fighting a war that Humanity is losing! If you want me to stay here for another ten years, or even twenty just so I can help Zeke? It would be -worth it!-. The warden paused in thought for a moment, then spoke. "While we cannot allow you to leave, there may be another way to help your boy. Guards, take him to the computer lab, make sure he isn't disturbed." Mr. Simmons stepped away from the desk, nodding his head in understanding. "Thank you, sir."

"Luven, that Megazord handled superbly! You've done well. Is my ground army ready for battle?" Tul'Van asked his scientist, watching as Nokbots made repairs to his battle robot. "Yes, your Excellency. Every single piece of data has been used for the ground army. Victory will be yours." "Excellent, send them down to attack." Emperor Tul'Van said, making his way back to his throne seat in the bridge area. "Victory will be mine.."

"First we lost our Battleizers, then our Megazord, and now our Powers. This has not been a good day.." said Zeke, shaking his head. "Not to mention the whole city knows who we are now." said Vanessa glumly, wincing as she stood up from her rubble spot. "Hey, we're not out of the game yet guys. We have to believe in ourselves! We're the Power Rangers, we don't give up!" Jerome said, looking his team over. "Sure, things may be bad now, but we still have a fight to win." "He's right, we're not throwing in the towel just yet." said Jake, standing beside the Red Ranger. "Jake, there is something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time." said Diane, walking over to him. "Why did you recruit us to become Power Rangers?". The Sixth Ranger looked at the ground for a few minutes before speaking up once more.

"I chose you to be Rangers for specific reasons; Jerome, you're tactical knowledge on the field is invaluable. Zeke, your computer expertise has saved us and helped with the Archives. Diane, you're determination has kept us from losing multiple times. Vanessa, you have become the heart of this group; your caring for every single member has touched all of us. Spike... I admit at first I didn't want you on the team, due to how I saw your father act as a teenager. However, you've improved both as a Ranger, and as a student, and for that I am proud of you. I am proud of -all- of you." The teens went in for a group hug, when a group of Nokbots appeared around them.

Jake let out an irritated growl, saying "I have had it with you guys!" The six of them went to work against the robots, Spike grabbing a piece of rebar and holding it in his hands like a sword. Letting out a Kiyah, Spike struck one of the Nokbots in different areas with his makeshift weapon, eventually impaling it through the chest. Vanessa and Diane entered teamed up, going into their stances and went for the attack, the Pink warrior went for strong palm strikes, ducking onto the ground as Vanessa scissor kicked a robot that had tried to tackle her friend, the Nokbot flipping into the air with Diane jumping back to her feet and spin kicking it away, the robot short circuiting. "J-Man, Double Dragon?" asked Zeke, standing beside Jerome as the two went into their stances. "You know it!" his friend replied, the two assaulting a group of Nokbots with a combo of Tae Kwon Do and Karate attacks, Zeke rolling off of Jerome's back and delivering a snap kick to a robots chest as Jerome spun in front of his friend, thrust kicking another into a pile of rubble, the two giving each other a high five. Jake attacked his opponents with fiercely strong punches, taking one of the Nokbots down with a leg sweep, punching it in the back. When more approached, he slammed his fists together, shooting out his Wolf Beast Spirit to finish them off.

"See? Even without Powers, we can still fight to protect our planet." Jerome said proudly, when T.K peddled up to them on her bike, hugging them all tightly. "Thank goodness you're alright!" Vanessa said relieved. "Bad news: The Garage has been completely over ran and toasted. Good news: I managed to save the Legacy Archives." she said, holding up the discs.

"T.K, can you repair our Morphers?" asked Diane, their tech assistant nodding. "I could, but I'm not sure if I could reconnect them to the Grid. I'm also not sure about your Zords." The Rangers looked defeated for a moment, until Zeke's phone rang, he picking it up. "Hello?" "Son, please tell me your safe!" "Dad?!" he looked at the others in shock, everyone gathering around him as he put his Father on speaker. "I'm fine, Dad. What are you doing?" "Everyone's seen the news reports, I'm helping in my own way. I've hacked my way into the the Legacy mainframe." "You what?!" T.K asked in a slightly angry voice, Zeke giving her the sign for quiet. "I'm sorry, miss, but this is all I know to do to help. Your Zords have enough energy to go back into hiding, even the one that was damaged. It'll be a while before they're operational again though. My guess is an hour or two tops." "Dad, I...Thank you." Zeke said quietly. "Hey, you and your friends have been protecting this planet for a while, and I'm proud to call you my son for that. I gotta go, keep up the fight, you guys!" he said, hanging up.

The sounds of car engines shutting off would grab their attention, getting out of them with umbrellas' would be Mr. and Mrs. Pai, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Skull, Bulk, and Ms. Trejo, who all ran over to their children, with the Johnsons hugging Zeke tightly like he was their own son. Jake stepped away quietly, eyes on the ground. "Jerome, why didn't you tell me you were a Power Ranger?" "We couldn't tell anyone, Mother. We had to keep it secret to protect the city." "Spike, you should have let me known, Bulk and I were worried sick about you!" "Dad, Uncle Bulk, I'm fine, really! I'm actually doing something good for once, with people I can call friends!" "Are you okay, my daughter?" Ms. Trejo asked, Vanessa whispering "Si, madre." as they hugged. Mr. Pai was less pleasant, starting to yell at Jake. "You, this is all your fault! You dragged our children into this mess, your war! You endangered their lives! My daughter could have been hurt because of you!" Diane stepped between the two, starting to yell at her father in Chinese, explaining that the six of them chose to become Rangers, and how their mentor, friend, their family had fought alongside them and protected them. Jake clasped a hand onto Diane's shoulder, speaking softly. "Your Dad is right..This is my fault. This was my war to begin with, and if I have to finish it alone, so be it...Go home, guys. You'll be safe with your families."

The five teenagers looked at him in shock, wanting to protest, but he shook his head. "Even if there is a ninety-nine percent chance of failure, I will fight." he said, an explosion going off behind him in the distance. "Jerome, Zeke, Diane, Vanessa, Spike. Thank you, for everything." he said, turning to walk towards the explosions source, T.K following him as the five stayed back with their parents.

"T.K, you should stay with them, you can't even fight." Jake said, hands in his pockets as he and his friend headed towards the explosions, the rain still pouring down. "I've been in this with you for over two years, Jake. I can at the very least provide moral support." she said, still riding her bicycle. They arrived on a destroyed street, and the sight below them made them freeze; Putties, Tengas, Piranhatrons, Quantrons, Stingwingers, Batlings, Cyclobots, Putrids, Kelzacs, Tyrannodrones, Krybots, Hidiacs, Chillers, Lava Lizards, Rinshi, Grinders, Moogers, and Nokbots numbering past the thousands were gathered, with Emperor Tul'Van standing atop a building, dozens of Royal Guards standing behind him, with the Emperor shouting "My mighty army! Now is the time to strike at this planet, to shove fear into the hearts of the Humans, to tear down every edifice that is not in my honor! Today, we declare victory over the Power Rangers! Today, WE WILL CONQUER EARTH!". Every single member of the army below cheered in their own way. "How could he have gotten so many?" asked T.K, shocked. "They must have gotten some data on the past as well.." Jake responded, gulping.

"Mother, I understand you're worried about our safety, and we thank you. But right now our leader, our friend...Our family needs our help." said Jerome, hugging his parents and backing away from them slowly. "We're all he has left." Zeke said, joining his friend. Vanessa gave her mother one more hug, whispering "I love you, madre." before walking to the others. Skull turned Spike to face him. "Son, I am extremely proud of you. Come back home safe, okay?" Bulk hugged Spike, saying "You've used the training I taught you well, go get them." Mr. Pai looked down at his daughter, then to the others who stood as a team. "Your mother and I wish you luck, Wilhelmina. Go, and help your friend. Protect the planet with all that you are." Diane winced at being called that name, but still hugged her parents tightly, the five of them running off to meet their friend and ally.

"T.K, in case I don't make it out of this fight, there's something I want to tell you." "You can tell me when you're done, because you will make it back, I have faith in you." Jake gave T.K a tight hug before the footsteps of five people reached their ears. Turning, the two saw the five Legacy Rangers approach them, Jerome and Jake locking eyes and giving a nod to each other. "It's the end of the world as we know it, and you wanna fight it alone? Fat chance on that, bro!" said Zeke, smiling. "We're with you until the end, good or bad." Spike said. "We're your friends, you're our leader. Power Rangers are a team, Jake." said Vanessa. Diane walked over to him, looking like she was about ready to deck him, but instead hugged him, blinking back tears and whispering "I love you..". The Sixth Ranger looked them over, extending his hand to Jerome, the two shaking hands. "Friends together.." Jerome started, the others finishing "Rangers Forever!" holding up their wrist watch fried out Morphers.

Suddenly, their Morphers began to glow, getting brighter and brighter; when the glow vanished, they were shocked to see they were repaired! "How in the world did -that- happen?" asked Spike,when a deep voice behind them spoke up. "Your willingness to do battle with your greatest enemy, in your darkest hour without any aid is commendable; You are true Power Rangers indeed." The six of them turned around to see a golden knight standing behind them. "Sentinel Knight!?" Jake exclaimed, eyes wide. "Yes, but it is not just myself; behold!" he said, waving an arm in a sweeping gesture. Standing on the rooftops around them were nineteen groups of people wearing specific colors, some of them were already transformed or were robots. all in teams. Approaching the teens were two men; Tommy Oliver and Wesley Collins. "Oh no way!" said Zeke, almost exploding in pure fan boy goodness. "Hows it goin, guys?" Tommy asked, smiling at them. "You've done well in your battle against this enemy; You held up the Legacy of the Power Rangers with both pride and honor. If there was ever a team worthy of succession, it is your team." said Wes. "But you don't have to fight this war alone anymore. We're here to fight by your side." spoke Tommy. "There are allies who have lost their powers in their own fights against evil, but you can release those powers back to them for this final battle." said Sentinel Knight.

T.K opening up her laptop and typing onto it. "Dig deep! Tap into the Morphing Grid as much as you can, just keep focused." she ordered, the Rangers looking at each other. "Let's give it a shot!" Jerome said, the Rangers holding their hands out as their Morphers glowed again, the six calling out "ULTIMATE TRANSCENDENCE!" Multiple lights shot out of their Morphers; they flew in different directions, hitting Tommy three times, as well as Aisha, Kimberly, and Billy. the Robot copies of TJ, Carlos, Cassie, and Ashley. Mike Corbett regained his powers. Shane, Dustin, Blake, Hunter, and Cam. Connor, Ethan, Trent. The last of the lights finally hit Scott, Flynn, Summer, Dillon, Ziggy, Gem and Gemma.

"Your powers have Transcended through both time and space, bringing us warriors from both the future, and other worlds, look." said Wes, pointing to a nearby rooftop to show them both the Time Force Rangers, and the SPD Rangers. "Wait a sec, who are those guys?" asked Diane, nodding to two groups in Ranger uniforms. One group of six wearing Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Pink, with a silver robot beside them.. The second group had dinosaur motifs, with Red, Blue, Green, Black, Pink, Gold, Silver, Gray, Aqua Blue, Purple, and Dark Blue. "One from another world, and the second? Are your successors.." T.K said, looking at her laptop with wide eyes. "This is amazing!" Zeke said in amazement.

"Hey, aren't you forgetting someone?" asked a familiar voice, Jake whirling around to see Eve standing beside two people, a man and a woman wearing Eltarian clothes. "Eve..Aquatina? Seamus! How!?" "I told you I'd be with you guys in the final battle, and I keep my promises." "We'd be honored to fight alongside you once again, old friend." Seamus said, Aquatina saying "Rangers fight together no matter the cause, forever and always." Jake slowly removed the Phantom Legacy Morpher from his left wrist, handing it to his sister. "This belongs to you.." he said, she putting it on. Vanessa tapped Jerome on the shoulder, glancing around at all the assembled teams. "Guys? I think you should give a little speech." The Red and Ghost Rangers glanced at one another. with Wes teleporting to join the Time Force team on another roof, Sentinel Knight and Tommy watching the two Rangers start to speak.

"Fellow Rangers! For over twenty years we've all fought in a long, never ending fight against evil! Ranger teams have come and gone, but the Power has always lived on inside all of us!" said Jerome, calling out to the older warriors. "The Tul'Van Empire wishes to destroy our planet! They out number is with over one thousand soldiers from our histories! But here we stand tall, at one hundred and forty Rangers and allies!" said Jake. "We ask you to join forces with us! To fight by our side and save Earth once again!" yelled Jerome. "Rangers, we wish to preserve the Legacy of you that came before us, and make a better world for those that will come after! WHAT SAY YOU?!" Jake raised his fist into the air, the Ranger teams yelling their responses with raised fists, Tommy clapping a hand onto Jerome's back, saying "Lead your team with courage, Red Ranger. Fight together and we will win." Tommy then teleported beside the original team, his friends who fought against Rita, Zedd, and many monsters. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Jason Lee Scott asked, smiling at those gathered. All the Ranger prepared themselves for one final battle, Karone looking at her Galaxy Transmorpher and speaking softly "Thank you for letting me fight, Kendrix." Emily and Mike looked down to their successors, she saying "Ready to help them out again?" "Please, like they'd let us miss this!" Mike said with a grin.

Jason reached behind him, yelling out "It's Morphin Time!" "Dragonzord!" "Mastadon!" "Pterodactyl!" "Triceratops!" "Saber-Tooth Tiger!" "Tyrannosaurus!" Prince Dex called out "Ectophase, Activate!" Adam Park gave the Zeo team a nod, summoning their Zeonizers and yelling out "It's Morphin Time!" "Zeo Ranger One: Pink!" "Zeo Ranger Two: Yellow! Zeo Ranger Three: Blue! Zeo Ranger Four: Green!" "Gold Ranger of Triforia!" "Auric the Conqueror!" "Shift into Turbo!" "Let's Rocket!" "Go, Galactic!" "Magna Power!" "Lightspeed! Rescue!" "Titanium Power!" "Time for, Time Force!" "Quantum Power!" "Wild Access!" "Ninja Storm, Thunder Storm, Samurai Storm, Ranger Form! Ha!" "Dino Thunder, Power up! Ha!" "White Ranger, Dino Power!" "SPD, Emergency!" "Magical Source, Mystic Force! "Overdrive, Accelerate!" "Sentinel Knight!""Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" "RPM, Get in Gear!" "Go Go Samurai!"

The veteran Rangers, as well as the two mystery teams all leaped down off the rooftops to land in front of the massive army. Jerome glanced to his friends, yelling "Ready?!" "Ready!" They all answered in return, all Six Legacy Rangers, Aquatina and Seamus spinning the watch faces as Eve hit the main button of her own Morpher, "Legacy Power, Activate!" "Proto Power!" The nine transformed, joining the Rangers on the ground as they went through a team roll call. "Mighty Morphin!" "Zeo!" "Turbo!" "Space!" "Lost Galaxy!" "Lightspeed Rescue!" "Time Force!" "Wild Force!" "Ninja Storm!" "Dino Thunder!" "SPD!" "Mystic Force!" "Operation Overdrive!" "Jungle Fury!" "RPM!" "Samurai!" "Megaforce!" "Dino Charge!" "Legacy!" Explosions of multiple colors went off behind them, Emperor Tul'Van and his Royal Guards crashed down in front of the massive army. "Rangers, it ends here!" Tul'Van roared. "You're right, it does end here, for you!" Legacy Red declared, Ghost yelling at the top of his lungs "FOR THE LEGACY!!!!" The gathered Rangers let out a roar as the two sides charged each other, with Blue Water, Blue Sky playing in the background, both sides crashing into each other.

Legacy Red charged into a group of Nokbots with his Red Legacy Saber, witnessing Mighty Morphin Red slamming a fist into a puttie patroller, slashing another with his Power Sword, while Lightspeed Red blasted at the Batlings with his Rescue Blaster, while ordering "Chad, Dana! Help the new guys!" Lightspeed Blue and Pink took out their Rescue Blaster Batons, rushing over to Legacy Blue and Pink who were surrounded by Quantrons and Tryannodrones, smacking them away as the two Legacy Rangers windmill kicked the rest to the ground. "Thanks, guys!" said Legacy Pink, Lightspeed Pink giving her a thumbs up, saying "Anytime!"

Mighty Morphin Green ran forward with the Dragon Dagger, placing a hand onto Mighty Morphin Black's back to lend him the Dragon Shield. In a flash of light, the Green Ranger turned into Mighty Morphin White, bringing out Saba and jumping into the air, bringing the sword down on a group of Hidiacs that Wolf Warrior had been fighting, the two giving each other a nod before going back to the battle.

"Hey guys, let's show them what it means to fight at Turbo speed!" Turbo Blue called out, the five Turbo Rangers, Blue Senturion and Phantom Ranger all ran forward in a blur with their weapons out slashing, shooting, and punching multiple Pirahanatrons, the mooks exploding when the seven of them appeared on the opposite side.

Legacy Green and RPM Green had stood side by side, Stingray Katana and Turbo Axe in hand. "So uh, do you think we can impress chicks with this?" asked RPM Green. "Never thought about that, but it's a good idea!" The two ran forward to a group of Grinders and Nokbots, both tripping and swinging their weapons wildly, amazingly taking the enemies out.

The war raged on, Wild Force and Time Force teaming up as they had before to take on a few Royal Guards, both teams using their combined weapons to cut and shoot them down. Tommy turned from Mighty Morphin White to Zeo Ranger Five: Red, he and Zeo Green going for a double Zeo Flying Power Kick against another Guard. "You're a good leader, Adam. Keep up the good work" his friend said as he ran over to join the Dino Thunder Team as Dino Thunder Black, the team calling out "Super Dino Mode" with the SPD team yelling "S.W.A.T Mode!" A large group of Cogs and Crybots, the teams taking turns in attacking. Masked Rider and Space Silver teamed up to take out a smaller group of Rinshi, with Galaxy Pink and Space Red charging forward and using their respective weapons on a group of Lava Lizard and Chillers.

"Dynamic Victory Charge!" The Megaforce team had brought their weapons together, shooting off a three symbol blast that sent a large group of Putrids and Cyclobots into dust. "Earth's defenders, never surrender!" the team said in unison, while the Dino Charge team plowed into a group of Stingwingers, taking them out with a large Tyrannosaur energy attack. Eventually, Ghost Ranger and Phantom Legacy Ranger charged at Emperor Tul'Van together, the warrior blocking their attacks and kicking them away as Proto Solar Ranger and Proto Aether Ranger jumped over their friends, nailing the Emperor with kicks to the chest, followed by Mighty Morphin Blue and Alien Ranger Blue going for strikes with the Power Lance and Alien Blue's sword.

"Ghh Luven! Prepare the Megazord, its time we take these pests down for good!" "Tul'Van Megazord launching, your Excellency!" Luven said from the ship, with the Emperor leaping high into the air as the robot was launched, getting into the pilots seat.

"We have to stop that robot!" Legacy Blue yelled. That's when the inside of his helmet was filled with his dad's image. "Zeke, Dad here! I got your Zords recharged, but you'll need to be careful, if they take a beating like last time, there's no telling what'll happen." "Thanks, Dad!""You guys go ahead and take care of Tul'Van! We got ground side covered!"Galaxy Red told them, shooting a fireball at a charging Nokbot. "Eve, Jake, you two wanna ride with us? You're part of the team after all." said Legacy Yellow, the two siblings giving a thumbs up as the seven Legacy Rangers leaped up to their Zords, combining them into the Legacy Megazord.

The thrusters on the Legacy Megazord's legs powered up, flying at the Tul'Van Megazord, the two crashing into each other and trading blows, neither gaining the ground until Tul'Van revealed the same cannon that took them down before, the wings lighting up. "Not this time!" Legacy Red yelled making their robot headbutt the other one, the shot grazing the Megazord, but the impact had caused damage to the Rangers' helmets, the warriors removing them as they kept fighting.

White Mystic Ranger looked up to the sky as the last of the Royal Guards and foot soldiers were defeated. "Everyone, they need our help! Focus everything you have within you!" Every Ranger held their hand up to the sky, turning into light and flying up to the aerial battle. The Legacy Megazord began to glow from the energy the Rangers gave off. "This is just what we needed! Thank you, Rangers!" Ghost Ranger said as Legacy Megazord flew forward, turning into different incarnations as it struck the Tul'Van robot; Dinosaur, Thunder, Zeo, Turbo, Astro, Galaxy, Lightspeed, Time Force, Wild Force, Storm, Thundersaurus, Delta Squad, Mystic, Drivemax, Jungle Pride, High Octane, Samurai, and back into the Legacy Megazord as the seven Rangers let out a mighty battle cry, slashing the Tul'Van Megazord repeatedly with its axe, kicking the robot away. On the main Empire ship, Luven let out a cry of 'NO!' as the robot collided, both exploding in an amazing fireball, the Tul'Van Empire was no more.

On the ground, the Veteran Rangers stood before the new team as they prepared to leave, smiling proudly. "The future is in excellent hands, thanks to you," said Jen Scotts, standing beside Wes. "It was an honor to fight beside every single one of you." said Zeke. "The honor was all ours, friend." said T.J. "If you ever need us again, just let us know. We'll come running." Connor said. In an explosion of light, the Veteran Rangers, their allies, and Sentinel Knight vanished. Eve, Aquatina, and Seamus all approached Jake, putting their hands over his Morpher, the male saying "The curse of the Ghost Ranger is over." said Morpher glowed, falling off his wrist and into his other hand, looking up as the the two Proto Rangers walked away, Eve hugging him and handing back to her brother the Phantom Legacy Morpher. "We'll be watching over you, Brother." she said as she turned to look to her allies, smiling. "Take care of each other, and keep the world safe." Eve then walked over to her two allies, the three of them vanishing.

"It's over.." said Zeke, falling to his knees and starting to laugh. "What do we do now?" asked Vanessa, looking around at the destruction, Diane side hugging her. "We rebuild, and we move on." "Will Crystal Harbor still need us?" asked Spike, unsure. "It all depends on the situation" said T.K, joining them. "As long as the world needs help from those that wish to harm innocents? We'll always be needed." said Jerome, the six of them looking into the sky as the sun started to rise over the city.

A few weeks later, there was a knock at Jake's apartment, he opening the door to see Diane, who smiled. "Hey, I was wanting to ask if you'd like to join us all for a Christmas party at the Garage." After the war had ended, they worked hard on rebuilding their head quarters, repairing the Legacy Cycles and making it look pretty. Jake hesitated for a moment, before hugging her tightly. "About what you said at the final battle." "I-It was the heat of the moment, I was scared, we were losing and-" Jake leaned in to kiss her lips gently, her eyes widening and cheeks turning pink. "I love you too, Diane. I'd be honored to join you at the party." Grabbing his jacket, the two headed out, laughing.

-The End-

Last edited by The Ghost Ranger; 12/12/14 at 12:05 AM.
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