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Old 05/18/18, 12:10 AM   #1
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Default Re: Original Footage

Originally Posted by Miki1988 View Post
As for the RPM/Gokaiger thing - there was an attack style on RPM by the Rangers that was never used by the Go-Ongers on their show. In SMF, I'm referring to the Rangers touching the X-Borgs and one of the SMF Rangers saying "Burn rubber, X-Borg!". That attack style never happened in Go-Onger, at least I don't recall it and I've seen both. Gokaiger happened to use that attack in the footage that was later passed on as the "Let's bring on the New Powers" scenes - the SMF Rangers end up switching from Legendary RPM Mode (Go-Onger) to "New Powers" mode (Dairanger). RPM used very little Sentai footage and something from it made it to the Sentai.
you mean when they were using their tires as part of a contact attack? that didn't come from Go-Onger so you're right there they never did that attack not even once during Go-Onger but Toei did implement that for a Go-Onger change when they were filming Gokaiger.

yup Toei sometimes borrows things from Power Rangers if they can.

Dragontron's Sentai name was G-Zord.
Dekaranger used SPD's Battlizer as their own Battlizer
Gear in Go-Busters for transformation includes the word "Morphin"
Part of Go-Busters' transformation has to include the word "Morphin"
Go-Busters' evil robots are called Megazords

Toei also wanted SPD's Cruger for an unknown reason but they couldn't get him... I guess?
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