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Old 08/22/05, 11:57 PM   #10
Silver Shadow
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 08/21/05
Posts: 22

:( I didn't know the reason Sam couldn't demorph was because they couldn't pay the actor. To me that's really sad. The show would have been much more special if we could have seen what Sam looked like as an adult. However, I do agree Greg and Ray deserves some credit for making sure Omega was a character people watching could care about anyway. The only reason Piggy is there I think is simply from inertia. Most PR seasons have a secondary character who runs some kind of business, starting with Ernie's clear back in MMPR. Plus, it does give Delta Squad a source of underground info.

As far as which villian could have been cut, I'm not sure. Bloodwing is only semi regular in SPD, so he doesn't seem critical to the plot. While making the SPD rangers' main enemy an eight year old girl who later evolves into an adult would have been creepy as anything, I like Grumm and Mora/Morgana because of the bizzare relationship between them. I'm dying to know what's behind it.

On a minor note, while I have no problem with people who think Morgana's hot, Cheetamus Primal, was it really nescesary to put it so crudely? You make it sound like the only casting requirement for her character was her bust size. I know if I was the actress who played Morgana and I came across your comment, I'd be very upset.

Silver Shadow
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