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Old 11/11/17, 01:03 PM   #62
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Default Re: Did Diabolico really turn good?

Originally Posted by No Green Spandex View Post
She seems to love Tommy and think he was a hero. Yet he was under an evil spell like most of the Rangers she listed.
exactly yet one could argue the same thing about him. "Tommy is truly evil and his current act of good is just an act on his part." see how easy it is to make something up?

Originally Posted by Massive Ego View Post
The real answer that she won't tell us is that all the characters she doesn't like are evil to her. She can't just say they are poorly written characters or that she doesn't like them so Kim just takes the easy way out and says they are evil. That and she knows Kat ends up with her precious Tommy instead of PRU Kim.
yup that's my point exactly she attacks the ones she hates by calling them evil but if she likes them then they're not evil to her even though she's not making any sense at all you can't just pick and choose who you believe to be evil just because you hate them that much I mean if you hate a fictional character that much that you need to come up with made-up bull crap then you seriously need to find a new hobby.
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