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Old 11/19/16, 05:22 PM   #5
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 01/13/15
Posts: 11
Default Re: End of Extinction Episode Discussion

I don't mind the paradoxes the whole time traveling shenanigans caused and after the build up in the last few episodes showing that Koda & Ivan both have something to live for back in their times. The ONLY thing I have a problem with is the last minute. Literally nothing else, I am fine with the rest. I would have even accepted like a tongue and cheek for them expecting the dinosaurs to still be alive when they came back to the forest only to run to the Museum to see nothing has changed and Kendall pulls out her phone and spouted another reason why they went extinct. "Oh, Sledge's asteroids were just the first ones that hit/Oh dang, that's right the Ice Age still happened/etc."

The dinosaurs being there still is stupid, incredibly stupid. Jurassic Park was also for kids, but they didn't try to pass off dinosaurs just surviving, they scienced that shit. If that's what happened here then fine, but more explanation please.

As for the Talon thing, I think we're going to get a team up or summer Dino Charge special. Bandai has shown that they did want Talon involved in the show and in any other instance if they wanted it to happen, they made it happen. There's definitely more down the road involving those powers especially with making Heckyl the guardian of the dark energem.
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