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Old 03/17/01, 09:56 PM   #7
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 11/14/01
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Default Re: Fate of the Quantum Ranger

I was thinking of something. In "Future Unknown" the rangers consider the possibility that they may have altered their future. If we are to assume that Alex died, then perhaps he was never killed in this new timeline. Because they alter the future, Alex and Jen may have never even known each other. This means that Alex might not have any memories of Jen, should the team return to 3000. The only problem with the multiple timeline theory is that Captain Logan still knows them and that they have left the future to go to 2001. Essentially, it time was altered, it could not have been by much because Captain Logan proves that some continuity is present. I don't know. It's all so confusing. But my point is, a ranger could fesibly die and then be rescued from dying by time travel. That way you could have it both ways with out that ridiculous reincarnation business that Kendrix went through. That was most stupid. As long as people are not reincarnated anymore, I'll be happy. But again, on the slim chance that Time Force fills in plot holes. Anyone that is ever killed in the series could be saved in the finally episodes. So they could kill everyone and then time travel to undo some huge mistake. (Anyone seen "Frequency"?)
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