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Old 03/18/16, 10:10 PM   #10
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Power Rangers Dino Episode 20 (Final Episode)

Doomsday Part 2

Written by Justin Best

At the Command Center Kimberly said "But Zordon I thought Tommy lost his powers". Zordon explained "He did but it is possible that if I infuse enough of my own energy into the coin it could recharge the green Power Coin enough to allow Tommy to rescue the other Power Coins".

Meanwhile Tommy was still wandering the vacant park calling out for anyone when he was randomly teleported to the Command Center. Tommy cried out "Woah what's going on?". The Rangers explained everything, and Tommy said "Woah all right but what can I do?".

Zordon explained "I can give you a temporary boost of my own powers in order to recharge the green Power Coin. That should hopefully give you at least of few minutes of power needed to break into Rita's fortress, and steal back the Power Coins". Billy asked "But is it safe?". Jason agreed "Yeah that could be dangerous for both you, and Tommy". Zordon said "I know but it's our only chance".

Last edited by Zabitan; 11/18/17 at 08:04 PM.
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