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Old 03/18/16, 10:09 PM   #9
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At the Command Center Jason sadly said "Sorry Zordon we failed you". Zordon assured them "No you haven't failed me. You were faced with a difficult choice, and still tried to reach out to what good was left in Rita, and Zedd".

Zack cried "Man I can't believe we trusted Rita, and Zedd. Now everything. Tommy sacrificing his powers to free Millennia. Accidentally killing Fang to save the last Dinosaur eggs. Retrieving Titanus it's all gone. Just like that Rita's won?".

Zordon said sadly "I'm afraid so. The only way to free the caputed citizens is to destroy Cyclopsis, and Lord Zedd however neither can be done without the Ultrazord, and all the Zords are gone". The Rangers watched as the Viewing Globe displayed Cyclopsis, and Lord Zedd firing lasers, missiles, and gas, and destroying Angel Grove along with the citizens of Angel Grove writhing in pain even when they had no physical injuries.

The Rangers cried, and Trini said "It's all over Rita won". But then Quagmire, Nemo, and Millennia teleported in, and Nemo said "Not yet she hasn't Rangers". Quagmire agreed "Aye remember what I said they say a night is always darkest before the light". Millennia agreed, and fired a beam at the Viewing Globe.

The Viewing Globe displayed a hidden area deep in the bottom of Rita's dimensional prison. Millennium explained "Your Zords still exist but they are currently trapped in the darkest depths of Rita's dimensional prison".

Millennia added "However if you were to break into that region you could be able to rescue them, and defeat Cyclopsis, and Lord Zedd". Zack asked "But Rita, and Zedd probably have a billion monsters guarding it plus Goldar, Scorpina, and a gazillion Super Putties, and we already surrendered all of the Power Coins".

Jason took out the Green Power coin, and said "Not all of them". The coin shined a faint but noticeable green glow. Meanwhile Tommy was wandering the now vacant park asking "Jason? Billy? Zack? Trini? Kimberly? Tao? Anyone? Aww Man what happened?".

To be concluded

Only one more left tune in next time readers for the true epic finale of Power Rangers Reloaded, and a special announcement.

You don't wanna miss out trust me on this.
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