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Old 03/18/16, 09:52 PM   #330
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At the Command Center Kimberly was explaining everything to the other Rangers. Kimberly said "Rita's trying to find a way to turn Tommy evil again I just know it". Zack assured her "Don't worry Kim". Jason agreed "Yeah I'm sure we'll find Tommy before anything like that happens".

Jason said "Any luck Zordon?". Zordon answered "I'm afraid not Rangers. I can't seem to get a lock on Tommy's communicator. I suspect Rita may be holding him in her dimensional prison". Kimberly said "Oh no".

Zack asked "Can we get him back?". Zordon replied "Maybe but I suspect it will take time which is one thing I fear is not on our side". Then the alarm rang, and Zordon said "Behold the Viewing Globe". The Rangers turned around, and saw the Dragonzord rampaging Angel Grove".

Kimberly said "Oh no we're too late". Zordon explained "Not quite my sensors indicate that Dragonzord is still in it's hiding place at the bottom of the sea. I suspect that this is either a duplicate Zord created by Rita or simply a Zord emulating creature".

Billy said "Do you think it might be a trap?". Jason said "I don't think we have much of a choice". Zordon then said "Go, and may the Power protect you". Jason said "Okay guys it's Morphin time". The Rangers called out "Mastodon", "Pterodactyl", "Triceratops", "Saber Tooth Tiger", "Tyrannosaurus".

Then the Rangers teleported to downtown Angel Grove where whatever was impersonating the Dragonzord was still rampaging. Jason called out "Whatever that is it's destroying the city". Then Supper Putties appeared, and Kimberly said "Great now we gotta deal with these guys too".
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