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Old 03/14/16, 03:45 PM   #2
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Hexagons and Civil Wars

very team would be pro-registration. You may have outlier individuals, but in the concept of registering to be a ranger, no one is going to fight that and if they are asked to be responsible for their actions, they will. They're all too Lawful good for that. Those that aren't just wouldn't be concerned about it because they have a bigger mission to deal with, destiny made rangers and so forth.

If the registration meant the government suddenly regulated who could be a ranger out of the existing pool, what they could do, and when they could intervene in monster attacks, you would see more resistance. Particularly if it essentially meant a draft for Morphin' Heroes. Which is the ultimate point of the civil war in Captain America. He didn't want the government in a superhero arms race or have them telling heroes when they can and cannot work for the greater good. In particular that the government in both the movies and the comics was always getting infiltrated by bad guys who would use them for evil.

As is, there's a decent chance everyone is somewhat registered already. The Megaforce history and Tommy database has all the teams, even in the future and alternate realities, registered and documented in detail. Somehow this information is easy to get anyway.
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