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Old 02/02/16, 01:23 AM   #29
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Rita was impressed but she still wanted to insure the Rangers defeat. "Ancient spirits of evil" she intoned before stopping herself "Wait wrong spell", and continued "Magic wand make my monster grow" as she threw her scepter all the way down to Earth where it made a fissure in the Earth that sprayed gasses that caused the Minotaur to grow 100ft tall.

Babboo taunted "You guys are going to get it now" as the Minotaur started stomping at the Rangers. Jason realized they were in trouble "We need Dinozord power now" he called out. The Rangers all cried out "Tyrannosaurus Dinozord Power, Mastodon Dinozord Power, Triceratops Dinozord Power, Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord power, Pterodactyl Dinozord power.

One by one the Dinozord's rose from the ground, and ran, and flew towards the Rangers' location. Then the Rangers all jumped up, and entered their Zords. Jason said "Log on", followed Zack saying "Zack here moving, and grooving" Billy saying "Outstanding", Trini going "Trini here Ready to rock", and finally Kimberly going "Nice Stereo".

The Pterodactyl Dinozord then fired lasers from it's wings at the Putties, and Goldar, and then at the Minotaur but that didn't faze it. Billy said "weapon systems online", and the tail of the Triceratops turned into a laser cannon, and fired at the Minotaur which still didn't faze it.

Trini tried the same tactic with the Saber Tooth Tiger but it still didn't work, and the Minotaur fired lasers from it's horns but the Saber Tooth Tiger was able to avoid them, and jump at the Minotaur knocking out it's mace.

"I'll chill this dude" Zack bragged as the Mastodon shot freezing gas at the Minotaur taking out it's shield as well. Then the Triceratops fired it's horns as anchors, and they wrapped around the Minotaur's horns but it wasn't working but Billy was undaunted he simply went "Increasing power", and the Triceratops was able to down the Minotaur.

Rita was worried "He can't be defeated now not when we're so close". But the Minotaur got up, and started ramming, punching, and kicking at the Tyrannosaurus, and then fired more horn lasers at the Zords.
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