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Old 07/14/15, 11:38 PM   #260
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Ghost of Crossworld Forest written by Margo McCahon and directed by Al Winchel

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that no matter how strong an individual is teamwork is better.

We then go to Crossworld Forest where the Troopers are going back from a camping trip when Kaitlin's car runs out of gas just outside of a ghost town called Ghost Mine Town.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor watches, and explains that the town is right next to his secret lab where he is building a device called the Reality Buster.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and shows us the Reality Buster which is a giant ray gun looking device, and Despera summons Fogbot a green spikey mutant with tusks to protect the device.

At the ghost town the Troopers are bringing their things into an abandoned house when Ryan almost falls down an abandoned mine shaft.

That night the Troopers are inside making a fire, and Kaitlin tells a ghost story, and Jeb believes it but JB doesn't, and Jeb goes outside, and sees some Shaider footage of Despera but JB doesn't believe him.

At Grimlord's secret base Despera appears, and Doom Master explains that the Reality Buster is almost complete.

Also Fogbot, and the Fogtrons (five guys in fireproof suits with guns) will attack the Troopers with a gas that prevents them from transforming.

The following morning Ryan wakes up, and decides to go for a jog when Fogbot, and the Fogtrons appear, and shoot gas at him.

Ryan tries to transform but can't so he's forced to run from Grimlord's minions, and he contacts JB, and explains what's going on but Despera destroys his VRVT.

Last edited by Zabitan; 07/15/15 at 11:34 AM.
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