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Old 07/08/15, 01:50 PM   #7
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was okay.

I liked the idea with Grimlord using a love potion on the Troopers, and making Kaitlin fall in love with Percy.

My only problem was that it felt like a rehash of that Power Rangers episode The Potion Notion without the stuff I actually liked about it.

It also bugged me that Kaitlin didn't transform at all in this episode especially since not only did they have to do just one thing to cure her.

But also it seemed like they could have replaced the part where JB piloted the Skybase with Kaitlin piloting it instead.

Cupidtron was another weird monster that like Transgressor, Bongotron, and Magnetbot seemed like they couldn't decide if they wanted it to be scary or silly.

Though to her credit they for the most part just focus on a cute, and cuddly theme with only her face being off from the rest of her design.

And aside from some scenes with the Combat Module, and the Shoulder Cannon that were replaced with the Battle Cruiser, and Skybase scenes nothing was cut from the Shaider episode.

Only 8 more episodes.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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