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Old 06/17/15, 04:19 PM   #204
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Virtual Venom written by Stewart St John, and directed by Vickie Bronough.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan talks about the time his dad taught him to respect all living things.

We then go to a park where the Troopers, Jeb, and JB's nephew Sydney are going on a nature walk when Sydney decides to go exploring by himself.

A park ranger goes up to Sydney, and gives him what looks like a giant perfume bottle with a spider in it, and tells Sydney to show everyone.

When Sydney does just that the park ranger turns out to be Doom Master in disguise, and teleports, and the spider bites JB, and Kaitlin.

Ryan is able to brush it off but apparently it did something to JB, and Kaitlin because their eyes, and the bite marks are purple, and they're feeling weak.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is watching the Troopers, and explains that the bite will make JB, and Kaitlin start aging.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and congratulates Arachnobot a humanoid mutant in red, gold, and green armor with a green spider shaped helmet who's spider was the one that bit JB, and Kaitlin.

At the lab the Professor explains what's going on, and that if they don't cure JB, and Kaitlin they'll be a hundred within a day.

And he needs a sample of the spider's venom to make an antidote so he gives Ryan a device to find the spider.

At the Dark Fortress Doom Master, and Arachnobot have a sword duel to train, and Grimlord orders Arachnobot to destroy Ryan.

Grimlord also says that if Arachnobot destroys Ryan he'll have Doom Master's job as well, and there's a brief scene where Arachnobot shows Doom Master his spider.

Ryan goes to Tao dojo where Tao is sparring with Sydney, and Ryan explains what's going on.

Sydney wants to help but Ryan doesn't let him so when no one's looking he sneaks off to help Ryan anyway.

After a brief scene of Grimlord watching Ryan we see Ryan in the woods looking for the spider while Sydney spies on him, and Skugs ambush Ryan.

Not much happens other than the Skugs try to kick Ryan but he punches, and throws them.

So they transform into Ultra Skugs but Ryan just punches, and kicks them, and kicks two Ultra Skugs into each other but the other two capture him.
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