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Old 06/09/15, 08:08 PM   #194
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

This whole thing was pretty cool actually.

You know how usually I have a problem with an episode having a good story but bad execution.

Well this almost the opposite in that on paper it sounds like a rehash of Good Trooper Bad Trooper.

But I did like Kaitlin two especially since it seemed like Sarah Brown enjoyed being a bad guy for a change.

And I actually liked how Kaitlin two had to pretend to still be working for Grimlord.

I also liked that technically we now have a fourth Trooper.

Really I think my only problem is the same thing I always have which is that I would have liked it if they could have found a way to combine this with Rise of the Red Python, and have Amy from that episode become the fourth Trooper.

Like have Rise of the Red Python be a three parter, and have it be like the Rise of the Red Python we did get up until the end of part two.

And have the end of part two be like the end of part one of this episode, and have part three be like the part two of this episode.

I liked Stingbot, and thought he was a cool monster but Serpentoid was just silly looking, and even then I probably wouldn't have cared if they called him Lionoid, or Lionbot.

It also bugged me that it seemed like they didn't even use all of Serpentoid's fight scene from Spielban.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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