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Old 03/19/15, 02:53 AM   #144
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was another good but not great one.

I liked the idea of Grimlord temporarily destroying their powers, and the Troopers needing someone to fix them.

I also liked that they brought back Poindexter as a character since before this point it seemed like they had completely replaced him with Percy.

I got a kick out of the fact that they actually showed the Troopers playing Smash TV a video game which while tame by today's standards I imagine would like if you saw one of the Power Rangers playing Five Nights at Freddy's, on an episode of Dino Charge.

I thought the fight with Dice was cool I just wish the Metalder episode they used had a different monster.then one we already saw.

I thought the fight with the Mutant Skugs was cool but it seemed like something that was better suited to give Ryan something to do for an episode that only used a Spielban monster.

Mostly because I thought it would have been better to see JB, and Kaitlin do something in costume in this episode like a spaceship or base battle.

Especially since this was an episode where they surprisingly added Metalder footage.

Only 2 more episodes until the Season One finale.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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