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Old 03/17/15, 10:55 PM   #10
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At Tao dojo Ryan is still looking for Keith when the Professor contacts him on his communicator, and tells him that a mutant is invading reality so Ryan transforms to stop it.

Fiddlebot plays music that freezes Ryan's circuits so he can't move but he breaks free, and kicks Fiddlebot but it doesn't work so Ryan tries punching him but it doesn't work either.

Then Fiddlebot uses his fiddle string as a weapon to slash at Ryan, uses his fiddle as a shield when Ryan tries to punch him, and shoots yellow music note shaped lasers at Ryan.

Then Fiddlebot plays more music so Ryan summons the Turbo Cycle, and retreats while Air Striker shows it to Grimlord who is glad since it means Fiddlebot is working.

At the lab Ryan is surprised to learn that Kaitlin is actually glad he didn't destroy Fiddlebot, and JB, and the Professor explain that Fiddlebot is Keith, then JB suggests taking the synthesizer from Fiddlebot so they can return Keith to normal.

Just then the reality break alarm goes off, and the Professor tells the Troopers that Fiddlebot is back, and he's brought an army of Skugs so the Troopers transform.

Fiddlebot slashes Ryan with his fiddle string, and blasts him with music note laser while JB, and Kaitlin fight Skugs by shooting lasers at them.

Then Fiddlebot comes after Ryan with his string then plays more music, fires roses that turn out to be bombs that explode, then Fiddlebot fires lasers, then comes after Ryan with his string, and hits him, and then plays more music.
Skugs attack JB with axes, and sparklers while Kaitlin fires lasers, and JB destroys the Skugs with Laser Lance.

Fiddlebot hits Ryan with his string, and plays more music so the Professor suggests using Lighting Hand so Ryan does it, and he slashes Fiddlebot, and takes the synthesizer which deactivates Fiddlebot.

Then the Professor returns Keith to normal, and Ryan reminds him of the concert so he returns to the dojo.

At the Virtual Dungeon we get a funny bit where Decimator unintentionally criticizes Grimlord who just swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At Tao dojo The Young Dubliners are getting ready to play when we get one last comedy bit with Percy still trying to join the band, and getting electrocuted.

Then the Young Dubliners start their concert, and it's a success.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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