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Old 03/15/15, 12:12 PM   #4
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

But JB reveals that he made backups of everything just in case something like this happened, and Kaitlin shows up telling them about Percy's monster story, and they all decide to go to the lab.

At the lab JB asks to analyse the data but can't find anything so the Professor recommends building a virtual model of MT Kronos.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord summons Icebot who just informs him of what's going on while back at the lab JB has finished building the model so he transforms to explore it while Ryan, and Kaitlin monitor on the visors.

At first JB doesn't see anything but then he falls down a hole into a cave, and Rollbot jumps down in, and fires spikes, and lasers at JB but JB just fires back with his own laser.

So Ivar has a Skug collapse the tunnel but the other Troopers bring JB back to the lab in time and they all decide to go to MT. Kronos in the real world.

After a comedy bit with Percy blowing air into a tire the Troopers show up, and Percy explains what happened, and Rollbot appears, and throws rocks down that trap Kaitlin's car, and Percy runs away so the Troopers transform.

Dice appears, and attacks Ryan with his sword while Rollbot fires lasers, and Kaitlin summons the Battle Cruiser, and fires at the base forcing Ivar, and the Skugs to retreat.

Ryan kicks Dice who throws his sword but it misses, and JB, and Rollbot fire lasers at each other, and keep missing until they both hit each other, and Kaitlin destroys the base.

Dice keeps attacking Ryan, and a mutant Skug wraps a chain around Ryan's arm but he grabs it, and throws the Skug destroying it, and Dive comes after Ryan but Ryan grabs him, and throws him at a minefield.

While Kaitlin jumps down to help JB but Rollbot fires spikes at them, and turns into a ball, and runs over JB, and Kaitlin so they do a double kick, and shoot lasers, and seemingly destroy Rollbot.

But Rollbot reappears, and comes after them so JB finishes him off with Laser Lance, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Tao dojo JB finishes fixing the computer when a young woman appears, and reveals that she's the real Jose (short for Josephine), and JB shows her around Crossworld City.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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