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Old 03/02/15, 09:17 AM   #8
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 28

Psy Black: *Gets hit and falls*

Ha ha ha.

*Gets back up*

You have to try harder then that gold ranger....

*Charges starts filling up his body and out comes another psy blade*

You call that an attack gold ranger....

Psy Green: *Gets up and see his spin sword*

Look what we have here....

*Dives over to grab the spin sword*

Psy Red: So be it red ranger...

*Does blazing slash on the red ranger*

No you don't jump on him kick his hand grab my sword.

Leans on my fire smasher and uses my spin sword hitting you with it Psy Green said he would destroy me he couldn't if he tried and you won't either cause i will be the only red ranger standing.

Psy Green:

*Stumbles back*

That sword won't do you any good...

*Charges my weapon and does dark vortex on the green ranger*

Serena I have to go help Mike.

*Kicks her off and goes running to the cliffs*

Goes down that's it powers up my spin sword slashing you hard.

*Em looks down*

Mike use your forest spear.

*Serena blasts psy yellow again*

Em I've got her see if MIke needs help.

*Goes down hard*

Ahhh....thinks to himself: that usually work...why didn't it work...wait a minute.

*Contacts Mike*

Mike its psy green....that is how we defeat the psy rangers.....the others are just to keep us busy...he's the key to end all of this I be right there to help.

*runs off to help Mike*

Psy Green:

*Takes the hit*


*The other psy rangers felt it to and they join back up with psy green*

Antonio are you sure your ok to fight.

Psy Red: Psy Green...What was that....why when you get hard we feel it to.

Psy Black: Yeah I was just about to put an end to that gold ranger.

Psy Pink: And I was about to put an end to pink.

Psy Green: Enough psy rangers....I need your strength again.

*Absorbs the psy rangers forming once again*

*Joins up with the others*

Yeah I'm fine...lets put an end to these posers once and for all.

Alright, Em you can go get the kids we'll be fine.

So you rangers found out my little won't matter when your destroyed

*Forms an energy ball and fires it at the rangers*

Mike be careful.

*Em dodges and runs to the school day care*

*Blocks part of the attack but goes down to a knee*

Ahhh....guys we have to combine like them....lets combine our symbol power on to one of us.

*Serena blocks it and pulls out Em's samurzier*

Antonio you or the others can use Em's I can't use it.

Of course not you don't have symbol power....I think we all should combine our powers to Mike....since the green psy wants to end things with him.

*Looks at Mike*

Are you up for it buddy.

*Em goes to the schools daycare and picks up the kids as she heads back home and stays with them*

Let's do it Ant.

If this is going to work we need all the symbol power....from the each of us.

Right use all my power make a symbol to destroy green psy.

In order to do this....we forgetting the most important person.....where is Lauren?

*Looks around for Lauren*

Kev takes out his morpher.

Takes out my samuraizer and gives him my symbol power.

Look for her.

I don't know last time I saw her she was fighting psy red, Mike use Em's symbol power it won't work for me.

We need Lauren....where is she? I do believe she has the symbol to combine all of our powers to Mike.

Take mine hand him my symbol power.

*Runs off to find Lauren*

Put mine Em toghter.

At The train tracks passed out.

*Watches and calls*

Jayden use your symbol power to, Antonio check the railroad tracks hurry.

*Sends his symbol power to Antonio*

I'm on it.

*Runs to where Lauren is at*


*Runs and slides in to Lauren's side*

Good as that will do...


Green ranger...your mine.

*Streaks over slashing the green ranger*

*Em watches*

You 2 stay here I have to help your father.

*Em runs out of the house and to the battle field and sees Mike*


Opens my eyes and sees him Sorry i'm exhausted and hurting bad but here is my symbol power.

Goes down explodes demorphs.

*Em runs down the cliffs and over to Mike*

Hey you alright.

Try to stand.

*Helps you up*

Easy you need to sit down

*Helps you over to the rocks and looks at Psy green*

Mike stay here,

*Walks over to psy green*

You are going down.

*Em takes her samurzier*

Go, Go Samurai.

No Em feels pain my ribs.

No you need to take it easy just rest I'll handle him.

*Pulls out my spin sword*

Thanks but we need to get you back.

*Picks you up*

Come on...hope I have enough strength for this.

*Streaks back to battle with Lauren*

I made it...

*Drops to my knees and sits Lauren down*

Antonio, you and Lauren, as well as Mike, need to sit this one out he got hurt so Emily, is stepping in to handle him,

*Bandages Mike's ribs*'
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