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Old 03/02/15, 09:15 AM   #5
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 25

*Tries to stand*

I can still fight...

*Falls back down*

No you can't you need rest I have someone in mind.

*Helps you to your feet*

Just lean on me.

*Pushes you away*

No I can still fight...

*Staggers to my feet and pulls my morpher back out*

Gold p...

*Falls back to one knee with my morpher still in my hand*

No you can't I have to get you back and checked out you can rest while Em and Mike take care of things please Lauren doesn't want you worse than you are.


*Tries to morph again*

I can't let you guys deal with them pow....

*Drops to one knee again*

Get him home now i know someone who can take his place.

No you can't Ant, your hurt if you don't get better you won't be able to help, I have someone that can help the team and take Mike's place do you trust me.

I can hold them off as much as i can but we need him now.

Lauren just keep fighting.

*Helps Antonio back to the house and into bed*

Please rest, Mike and Em will get you anything you need.

*Pulls out the morpher and calls Jayden*

Jayden how fast can you get to the house.

Psy red: You rangers are pathetic.


Come psy rangers lets go terrorize the city while they fight among themselves.

*Starts to walk away*

Your the pathetic ones.

*Gets helped back to the house*

Ok I'll relax....for now.

*Lays down into bed*

But just for a little while and if they hurt any of you...especially Lauren I'm kicking their butts.

They won't the Psy rangers can be defeated from a while a way trust me.

*Kisses your head and hands you tea*

Lauren's green tea.

Jayden walks through the door.

I'm back home.

Jay they need your help Ant is hurt, Em is still in pain and MIke's helping her would you like to help us fight.

*Hands you the silver morpher*

Thanks Serena....your a good friend.

*Drinks the green tea*

Anytime just rest please.

What is this?

It's your new morpher with it you have diff powers than your old red powers and it's stronger when you morph you say Samurai morpher silver power.

*Hands it to him*
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