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Old 12/26/14, 11:33 PM   #8
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Default Re: Why hasn't Power Rangers done a season with a human villain?

Originally Posted by Lt. Cmdr. Ranger View Post
Why hasn't this been done? Every season we've had the same deal: evil alien overlord, evil demon, evil space witch, evil pirates, evil robots/computer program, ect. Not once have we had an honest to god evil human antagonist, and before you say it, Master Org doesn't count cause he swallowed those seed things and got turned into a half human/Org thing before becoming a full one in the WF final.

So why do you think that is and also how would you do an evil human as the antagonist for a series? The only rule for the second question is that said antagonist can't be an "evil other" in disguse.
It has been done. Rita and Zedd could be seen as humans since they were purified as such and we do not know where they were originally from.
Master Org does count at least in the beginning since in the beginning he was just a human being named Viktor Adler with special Org powers but no heart but he was just as fragile as any human was considering Mandilok killed him with ease.

PS: Jared from JF doesn't count either, he was possessed by Dai-Shi, he may have been a douche before then but that is all he was.

PPS: Andromeda doesn't count either as she wasn't born on Earth. Okay so the second question has two rules, 1) no being an evil "other" in disguise and 2) must have been born on the earth.
Actually Jarrod does count. Yes he was a jerk in the beginning and eventually became possessed by Dai-Shi but a lot of the motions were still Jarrod himself.

Astronema does count herself as well. Just because she was born on KO-35 does not make her any less human. She's still a human much like Andros, Zhane, Maya and Trip are.

Originally Posted by Quantum Wolf View Post
So you're talking about an actual human, with no external factors like spirits or aliens or the like? Just probably some evil scientist or some rich *******?

I think that idea may not ever be touched upon because the idea of human baddies going to the extent of villains we've seen so far in PR might not be accepted. PR seems to be operating under the idea of humanity being all-encompassing good. Sure we've got jerks or mean characters over the years, but actual evil human beings? Might not go over so well.
I agree that such an idea will likely never happen.
Lothor was pretty much the closest instance of a human being eventually being evil since he was a human and he was the one that chose to practice the dark and forbidden art of dark magic which got him expelled from the academy and from the planet.
Viktor Adler would be another example but after thinking things clearly I do agree with some people's thoughts that Master Org's spirit would have taken him over after he died but it was still the real Viktor Adler for half of the season.

Originally Posted by darkshadowranger View Post
Firstly, Astronema does count. She is Human. In the PR Universe it is established not all humans are from earth. Different planet yes, but human.

Lothor in NS is human
Ransik in TF is human
I completely agree.
However we do not know where Lothor was born at... we can assume he was born on Earth since Kanoi and Cam likely were.
Ransik is indeed human since he was born on Earth.
Master Org is human for at least most of the season his jealousy just got the best of him and it eventually lead into him being a true Org that eventually was destroyed.
Mesogog was technically part human since Anton Mercer was his other half.
Jarrod was still human regardless of Dai-Shi's spirit being inside of it plus on top of which just because his spirit was inside of him does not mean he was making all of the moves throughout the season since Jarrod was making a lot of the calls on his own.
Moltor and Flurious were once human so they still count even though they were punished into their monster forms and they were imprisoned into their own elements.

Originally Posted by Moonsknight View Post
... This is dumb. They're all humans. You can't just make up rules to invalidate the fact that they aren't human. And what does "no being an evil 'other' in disguise" even mean?

And how can Astronema not count just because she wasn't born on Earth. Andros directly said that Earth isn't the only place humans live. If humans all come from Earth originally, then at some point in time in the past, humans migrated out into the stars and ended up on colonies like KO-35.

Lothor is straight-up human. He was born on Earth, he's Sensei's twin brother, he's Cam's uncle. He's not an alien, he's just surrounded by aliens.
I agree with you there.

Originally Posted by Quantum Wolf View Post
Alternatively he could be talking about a human villain that is not influenced by aliens, evil magics, or twisted and remade by machinery. An actual human baddie, probably surrounded by fellow human baddies and the occasional robot, who enacts his/her plans using earth-based technology. No influences from other planets, other dimensions, or time-travel.
technically Astronema wasn't really influenced by anyone Ecliptor just raised her to be evil. She was a young kid when she was kidnapped by Darkonda so she wouldn't have known any better at such a young age.
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