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Old 12/26/14, 03:11 PM   #6
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 03/03/09
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Default Re: If dino charge fails will that be the end for power rangers

Originally Posted by Titanium321 View Post
Nothing's going to happen. People will bitch and moan about anything, but ultimately you're still watching. It's not like the show is unwatchable, MF's issues mostly come down to not being good enough for longtime fans and aimed too much at the younger audience in quality, Samurai's problem was cut and pasting while also trying to aim too low and somehow recreating MMPR out of that.

Megaforce was already an improvement over Samurai. SMF over Megaforce. Before we get all doomsaying, let's just actually watch some of the show. Stop worrying about what you'll do or what someone else will do before the show even airs. That's just being a worry wart.
The difference here is a lot of people, including myself, really are giving it one last chance. They proved they can do an original (albeit terrible) storyline with Megaforce again. Now it's the matter of if they can actually manage a story that isn't just plain bad, with actual character development.

This may be a children's show, but Samurai and Megaforce have less character development than practically any other show for kids out there.

I know more about Doc McStuffins than I do any character on Samurai or Megaforce for Christ's sake.

I have zero issue stopping watching the show and sticking to sentai if it comes to that. At least they know how to tell a story with a show.
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