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Old 12/07/14, 12:23 PM   #2
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Default Re: How did the academies gain students?

I would say that former students would recommend their friends or people who they thought were worthy. But I think a lot of it was a generational thing. With people sending their kids to train like they did. That may be why the Wind Rangers felt so out of place. Most of their peers were probably from families that were part of the Acadamy for generations.

I do think some students may have found their eay there on accident and be taking in as students. Much like Cam was when he traveled back in time. I actually imagine that the Wind Rangers found the acadamy on accident. With Sensei reconizing them as the chosen ones in the scroll. At which point he invited them to become students.

I could see a lot of.this being true for the Phu Zhat Acadmy. SPD could openly recruit and advertise since they werent secret.
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