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Old 03/01/10, 10:01 PM   #12
Power Ranger
Join Date: 08/15/09
Posts: 876
Default Part 9

Soon, there were more news of giant monster attacks. In London, a three headed red skin winged flying dragon was attacking the city. Beams from its eyes were destroying buildings. Them, a second monster attack came out of the water to attack and fight the first one. The first one try to defeat the newcomer, but it couldn't win. Soon, the first one fled London. Suddenly a troop of Visitor solders appear to to fight the second one, but this green skin dinosaur killed all of the Visitor troopers. Then, it return to the river, finished with its mission.

Kit heard the news about the attack and fight in London on the radio, as he got home. It was the second time that a monster from outer space has attacked an Earth city. This time, it was defeated by an Earth born kaiju. It was also the second time that the Visitors were attacked by the winner of the battle. Could the Visitors have something to do with the attacks by the space monsters? What does Ultraman and the London kaiju know about the Visitors that the human race doesn't know? To be continued.

Last edited by mbozzo; 04/01/10 at 10:10 PM.
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