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Old 03/21/12, 12:13 AM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers, VR Troopers, BeetleBorgs, and Ninja Turtles TNM coming to DVD.

You have a point. Once the VR Troopers DVD news begins to leak, we can make a thread in regards to that in order to get people to go in there. I try and pay attention to any news I get. I also get emails coming from TV Shows On DVD as well.

This thread should just be a general discussion in regards to all of the releases that Saban Brands will be doing through Shout Factory. As well as what people might want on the DVDs.

We can always make individual ones (discussion threads) later on. I just thought it'd be better as a general thread since it wasn't just talking about VR Troopers itself entirely.

Also it seems like the consultant Brian is speaking with is actually someone within the fandom.

Here's some things that I'd like to see with Power Rangers, Beetleborgs and VR Troopers.

First up is Power Rangers.
I'd like all uncut footage including stuff we haven't seen such as complete Zyu2 footage, complete Zyu 1.5 footage as well as any unseen episodes such as the original version of "Foul Play in the Play" and the first ep they had Patricia shoot in "Galaxy" before she decided to walk over salary issues. Not to mention I'd also like to see any different scenes with "Doomsday" if it's on tape like for example if they have any footage of Soga filming for them for those eps.

I'd also like to get a commentary from mostly Saban and Tony Oliver themselves to hear what they had to do in regards to the show. As well as commentaries by popular writers such as Chip and Jackie-mite. (bonus points if someone gets my Jackie-mite joke.)

Second of all, VR Troopers is next. Obviously anything uncut and of course any bloopers.
I'd like a commentary by the main 2 writers and at least by 1 of the cast. Probably either Brad or Sarah.
I don't know what else they could really do there other than include the Cybertron pilot.

Beetleborgs. Not much I can request. Just unseen footage and bloopers. Also I'd like to see a 'making of' for Flabber and all of the Hillhurst Monsters including Little Ghoul.
I'd also like to hear commentary including in regards to what happened with the 1st Jo actress. It's such a mysterious with the reasons as to her leave of absence. Did she leave just because she wanted to? Did she leave because she got a better offer? Did she leave because she didn't want to act anymore?

Last edited by MattEmily; 03/21/12 at 05:28 AM.
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