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Old 02/15/10, 10:18 PM   #11
Power Ranger
Join Date: 08/15/09
Posts: 876
Default Part 8

Kit remembered that Chris spent some time in a third mirror world. "What make you think that?" asked Kit. "There is something about these new Visitors that is rubbing me the wrong way. I attended a meeting with people who doubt that the Visitors have our best interests at heart," said Sting. "I as well as GX2 and GX3 also attended that meeting," reported Crimson. The person who was leading the meeting said that the Visitors are disguising themselves to look like humans. Some of them may have been there for years," said GX2. "If they were here for years, wouldn't the No-Men know about them?" asked Kit. "Not if some of these alien agents placed themselves as members of that group,," answered GX3. "Should we strike at them right now?" asked Kit. "We'll need some proof before we could do anything. We also need to contact the other Kamen Riders as well," said Sting. Then, Crimson, GX2, GX3, and Sting morph back to their normal human forms. "We have to be very careful," reminded Chris as they left the warehouse. Kit saw the other Kamen Riders leave, which left him alone for now. As he rode his motorcycle toward where he worked, Kit wondered if anybody can be trusted if the Visitors aren't what they seemed. To be continued.

Last edited by mbozzo; 04/01/10 at 10:09 PM.
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