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Old 11/30/11, 11:15 AM   #6
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Default Re: If they made a VR Troopers animated series.

Personally I would want it in the style of animation like Superman or the classic Batman cartoons, not the recent Cartoon Network or Kids' WB ones.

Also they wouldn't have to worry about footage issues since they'd be able to do pretty much whatever they wanted including having Grimlord and his crew more active. I've always hated how Grimlord was never that active.

Granted I do see them keeping Jeb the talking dog in cartoon form since they probably think it's funny with a talking dog plus in an animated format you can do more with a talking dog than you can do with a live action dog.

Personally I've always wanted to see a sequence where all 3 Troopers end up fighting against Grimlord and all of his crew and in the process they find out that Grimlord is Ziktor.

The only other differences that I would want is there shouldn't be any need for the Battle Grid Modes since basically they were only there for 2 reasons: to give the stunties a break from wearing the Trooper suits and because it'd be new footage so they would have all 3 fighting together. Also I would want more mecha for all 3 Troopers however they should still make it be a rare thing of them using their mecha, just make it more often used but still not an every episode thing so that it's still different from Power Rangers but it's still almost the same as VR Troopers.

Granted I don't see an animated version ever happening unless Toei does it first and they likely don't want to do that with their Toku lve action shows but I would also want it to be almost a retelling of the live action show, just give it more liberties since they wouldn't have to match footage at all provided the American company did all of the animated work themselves. Also I would want the same actors to return to do their animated voices if possible. The only issue is Grimord/Ziktor since his actor died so who would you see as a good candidate to replace his voice?
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