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Old 01/09/11, 05:50 PM   #1
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This is where I first heard about it but I've never seen any pictures of it, and I never went to it.

Also the reason I wanted to see the comic is because I wanted to make some some VR Troopers fanart of the Troopers in Battle Grid Mode, as well a fan made Battle Grid suit for Ryan based on the Shaider armor, and a fan made Battle Grid suit for Amy that looks like Kaitlin's only purple instead of red.

And that was the only time I've seen a drawing of the Battle Grid suits, and I wanted a point of reference for how the Battle Grid suits should look in drawing form.

Another thing, and this may sound weird but was I the only one who thought it was weird Kaitlin's Battle Grid suit looked like she was wearing a one piece swimsuit.

I mean I get it was a way to tell she was a girl, and Toei did it in the 80s with sentai uniforms but I just thought it was interesting.
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