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Old 10/22/06, 09:15 PM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 10/21/06
Posts: 11

Part 4 - origins

As soon as Adam got home he went to bed uickly, in the morning he got up and he fixed himself breakfest. After he was done eating, the suit started talking to him "You see my origins are not of this planet, or solar system.". Adam then asked "Really where are you from?", the suit then replied with "A place that name is so long that it would take 50 of your human years to pronouce, so lets not even bother with it.", Adam then said "So why did you come here?", the suit then replied with "Well you see, I'm a bio suit, which was made by an an aceinct race that is now exctint, you see the reason that the race is now exctint is that they made things like me by the mass for things other than war, but then One evil started using the suit for evil, so a great war had started that wiped out race completely. During the end of the war one wise sage said that one organism that will have been chosen shall save the universe, but not a lot belived this, but the few that did organized a plan to send 50 of the suits to earth, so during WW2 I was discovered by the Americans, and they captured me and studied me, but durning a study at base Eagle I took a DNA sample by a scan and took one of your dad, but he then died and I rembered what the sage said and I waited for you to come along and they then took me to base Defender where I met you, so that where we are at right now.", Adam then thought of something and asked "Wait what about the other 49?" the suit then replied with "Well some of those were a different type that could turn into solids and some of those were based on the elements, there were alot of different types but some of those could be used for evil, but I'm a uniqe type of suit, you see I'm able to turn materials into different things that are capable of alot of things. That I'll you should know for now" Adam then said okay, and he then turn on the T.V. and turned to the news, there was a terroist attack at a city, Adam then uickly got covered up by the suit and rode the mortcyclce to the city, when he got there a Terroist asked him who he was, Adam replied with "Who am I, I'm the Rider!!!!!!" Adam the quickly sprang forward to save the day.

The End (For this story arc)

Don't worry there will be more soon, and a spin off sorta of.
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