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Old 09/28/09, 11:04 PM   #2
Gerbil the Sinner
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Originally Posted by TokuNoob View Post
Okay, fine. Point taken. Touche'. But then what? Is it a bad movie if a Shadow of the Colossus film strays from the source material.
Um. No.

I never implied that, either.

It would be I Am Legend set a sword and sorcery setting with no hope of success because Will Smith wouldn't be in it.
Except the story of Shadow of the Colossus is NOTHING like I Am Legend behind very, very few superficial similarities (or a core similarity; one man with an animal-like companion alone battling monsters) that are implemented in completely different ways.

Or is it a case of an unfilmable story?
...It's basically one giant monster movie.

I have to admit that I've thought about a Shadow of the Colossus movie before and decided that it should just be left as is (a game!).
In it's original state, maybe. But the core concept could easily be turned into a movie with modifications to fit the medium.

Like I posted previously, the idea of having a big deserted land scape wouldn't work for a film, because the audience wouldn't be directly involved.
People can't be interested in large, beautiful landscapes? What constitutes as "directly involved" to you?

I suppose they could try and make up for this in some area, and they do have the game Ico to fall back on in the case of an expanded universe.
Or they could just create story elements for the movie.

Other than that it seems to me Shadow of the Colossus is a bit of a risk. Remember, I walked into this thread expecting it to underperform (if it's even released theatrically).
Um. Okay.

If you were trying to come up with something original you would just have to take a previously presented concept in a new direction. If it were to be truly original, well I have no idea. :(
You're...not even saying anything here. I don't understand what this has to do with ANYTHING.

Oh, and by the way, I forgot to say welcome to the board.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by Tendou View Post
The reason why I believe that EU material is necessary is due to most games not having decent stories in terms of movies. You could always introduce new plot materials and that is what I am getting at. I think the EU needs to be there as a base for the writers to expand upon. If you give the writers nothing to work with they can't craft anything good.
You don't know that and that claim is completely baseless.
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