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PrimoPiccolo 10/03/09 06:02 AM

Dragon Knight Episode #26: "Kamen Rider Wrath"
I have no idea what this will be about...

PrimoPiccolo 10/03/09 03:51 PM

God, this blew. Xaviax in Wrath's body? Sure, that's cool. But who the hell is his voice? WE'VE never met the guy in the suit! And what was with the upgraded minions?

The fight in the bookstore was just stupid. I applaud that they didn't wait until the last episode to do it, but there wasn't enough room to do anything, so Len and Kase could have run and hid in Ventara a long time before they did.

And, as always, too much slow motion.

Basically, any episode that's built on the fact that Kit is needed to win is a terrible episode.

Tendou 10/03/09 04:14 PM

I loved the episode. The guy in the armor is going to make an appearance next episode by the way. His voice is too low in my opinion, but the voice is fitting though. That fight scene in the store was very one sided and it was like that too show off how strong Xaviax is. I liked the effects they used for the fight. Wrath's whole sword grinding effect is awesome.

Also one cliche in Power Rangers, Super Sentai and Kamen Rider has always been that the main bad guy never fights himself until the last few episodes. Some seasons did allow the bad guy to fight, but it was always for like one fightup until the final episodes. Xaviax is now going to be actively fighting and the show is only a little past halfway. I love it.

Also at this point Kit is needed to win. They have been outnumbered too long and now they finally have the advantage. One extra person is what they need. Particularly to take on Wrath. I hope they get Wrath's Time Vent in the show. So many possiblilites.

DK77 10/03/09 05:24 PM

Pretty cool, Wrath is Xaviax, things are going to get tough

PrimoPiccolo 10/04/09 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Tendou (Post 1093)
one cliche in Power Rangers, Super Sentai and Kamen Rider has always been that the main bad guy never fights himself until the last few episodes. Some seasons did allow the bad guy to fight, but it was always for like one fightup until the final episodes.

As far as Power Rangers is concerned, Time Force, Ninja Storm, S.P.D., Operation Overdrive, Jungle Fury and RPM all dispute that theory. Even more seasons when the lines of "main" are defined, as in cases like Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed Rescue.

And the only reason Kamen Rider hasn't done such more often is because the audience rarely even meets the main villain until late in the series.

So, yes, it's nice that Xaviax finally got off of his hiney, but it's hardly unprecedented.

Gerbil the Sinner 10/04/09 07:28 PM

Xaviax in Rider armor? Smexy.

Now we just need Trent constantly wearing his tuxedo t-shirt and we'll have the best episode ever.

mbozzo 10/04/09 09:44 PM

'Kamen Rider Wrath' is a good episode. I gave it a 8. Xaviax is wearing the body and armor of Kamen Rider Wrath. Wing knight and Siren is having trouble defeating the double team of Strike and Wrath. There is one Kamen Rider who hasn't appear yet, expect for Kit's dreams. When are we going to meet this last Kamen Rider?

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