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Zabitan 03/15/15 11:44 AM

What did you think of him?

I thought he was a pretty good character since he was one of the first honorable villains in Power Rangers which from what I heard was a departure from his Sentai counterpart.

He was also the one who helped Trakeena become a better warrior but tried to stop her from destroying Terra Venture.

PRangerX 03/15/15 12:20 PM

Re: Villamax
An interestng character no doubt. I personally liked Ecliptor better. But he was a tough act to follow. The scene at the end with him standing for what was right with the flowers he got from the girl. It was very bueatifuloy done. His last lines to Trakeena were really well written.

Lord Leo 03/15/15 12:22 PM

Re: Villamax
Its ironic the Rangers nevertheless saw that he turned good in the end. Really they had no reason to believe Villamax would even turn good.

Cassie Zhane 03/15/15 02:30 PM

Re: Villamax
Villamax was pretty cool. He was a villain that really understood the concept of honor. That made him very likeable and a more complex character. Deviot was very unlikeable. Of course that was by design.

The Ghost Ranger 03/15/15 04:04 PM

Re: Villamax
Villamax is what Korrag wish he could be. A warrior who will not cross lines or fight for petty reasons; he is willing to keep his word and fight only when the terms are good for both sides. I wish he would have lived in the end, but his final words had meaning.

Lightspeed Omega 03/15/15 11:15 PM

Re: Villamax
The only villain I didn't like from Galaxy was Kegler. He had no real purpose and kind of just bumbled around.

Dayu's Tears 03/15/15 11:18 PM

Re: Villamax
Octoroo kind of reminds me of Kegler. He has a similar personality. They even kind of sound the same. Octoroo is more sinister though. Definitely more powerful.

Pink DinoCharge Ranger 03/15/15 11:18 PM

Re: Villamax
Villamax was a great villain for the lost galaxy season i mean it was just to bad that he ended up training Trakeena to good and ended up destroyed by her when he started to turn good.

Usagi Reborn 03/15/15 11:27 PM

Re: Villamax
I always thought Villamax's good.guy turn was weak. Sure he had honor but he as always on the side of evil. Plus having him turn gonna good because he meant the girl was cliche. He should have just been destoryed by Trakeena because of Deviot's infulence on her. He would have been a deeper more comlicated villain. Just like he started out as.

Pink DinoCharge Ranger 03/15/15 11:32 PM

Re: Villamax
i don't know i always like the idea of bad guys turn good in the end at times i mean its better then most of the seasons where the darkness completely destroys them. i mean you always get a huge battle at the end of good vs evil and the evil is always destroyed why cant at times the evil turn good?

Sledge's Bounty 03/15/15 11:35 PM

Re: Villamax
Yeah, once in awhile its good to mix things up and have some.of.the bad guys turn good. As long as its not done all the the time. Than that would get old too. I loved it when Astronema turned good.

MattEmily 05/27/15 08:17 PM

Re: Villamax
I thought Villamax was an interesting character because he was technically the first 100% true honorable villain that we had and I don't believe he truly turned good in the end he just didn't believe in attacking the residents of Terra Venture unless they were Rangers.

I do believe his Power Rangers character was a big departure from his Sentai counterpart but they actually could do that because they didn't use any Sentai footage of him or Kegler.

The Ghost Ranger 05/27/15 08:28 PM

Re: Villamax
Thats one thing I loved about Lost Galaxy: The generals (save Furio and Deviot) all had some type of honor thing going. Scorpius was evil, but genuinely loved Trakeena. Trakeena in turn wanted revenge for her father. Trecheron and Villamax showed chivlary towards their enemies: Trecheorn refused to fight his opponents unless they were armed, and Villamax kept his word during deals.

MattEmily 05/27/15 10:32 PM

Re: Villamax

Originally Posted by The Ghost Ranger (Post 54876)
Thats one thing I loved about Lost Galaxy: The generals (save Furio and Deviot) all had some type of honor thing going. Scorpius was evil, but genuinely loved Trakeena. Trakeena in turn wanted revenge for her father. Trecheron and Villamax showed chivlary towards their enemies: Trecheorn refused to fight his opponents unless they were armed, and Villamax kept his word during deals.

no doubt about that and the interesting thing about that is much like Villamax Furio himself also was shot in all original footage but he had a different reason for that... with Villamax they did it in order to avoid showing his Gun-like weapon.

Lord Leo 05/28/15 12:15 PM

Re: Villamax
The LG villains were probably the best ever. They were complicated characters and so much went on with them. It was very interesting to watch play out. I love how Trakeena developed into a main villain.

MattEmily 05/28/15 12:54 PM

Re: Villamax

Originally Posted by Lord Leo (Post 54881)
The LG villains were probably the best ever. They were complicated characters and so much went on with them. It was very interesting to watch play out. I love how Trakeena developed into a main villain.

it also helps that there were so many even before they went into the Lost Galaxy arc since they had Scorpius, Trakeena, Furio, Treacheron, Deviot, Villamax and Kegler. All of them had different personalities and some of them even played well off of one another... which is how to truly write an original season.

Space Nerd 05/28/15 06:47 PM

Re: Villamax
I thought they were ok. But always seemed like second rate Space villains. Who were the best villains imo. The LG villains weren't the worst ever but not the greatest either.

Superstatler 05/29/15 11:30 AM

Re: Villamax
Villamax was a low rent Ecliptor to me. And there is only one Ecliptor. Villamax made no sense. He had honor yet fought on the side of evil.

MattEmily 05/29/15 12:18 PM

Re: Villamax

Originally Posted by Superstatler (Post 54905)
Villamax was a low rent Ecliptor to me. And there is only one Ecliptor. Villamax made no sense. He had honor yet fought on the side of evil.

Ecliptor showed love and kindness towards Astronema even though he was built to be evil and you think that makes sense whereas you think Villamax being evil yet still being honorable doesn't make sense?

Green Scorpion Ranger 06/01/15 08:52 PM

Re: Villamax
Villamax was a very interesting villain. He was very muti-layered to the point where he was more of a loyal soldier to Trakeena than a true villain. Especially in the end when he ends up risking and losing his life to save the innocent colonists from Trakeena.

KimandTommy 06/08/15 08:13 PM

Re: Villamax

Originally Posted by MattEmily (Post 54906)
Ecliptor showed love and kindness towards Astronema even though he was built to be evil and you think that makes sense whereas you think Villamax being evil yet still being honorable doesn't make sense?

Villamax didn't have true honor until he turned on Trakeena to save the civlians. No one on the side of evil has honor.

Massive Ego 06/08/15 08:14 PM

Re: Villamax
Good call Kim. I agree tottally. Villamx was no better than Deviot until he turned in the end.

MattEmily 06/08/15 08:30 PM

Re: Villamax

Originally Posted by KimandTommy (Post 55206)
Villamax didn't have true honor until he turned on Trakeena to save the civlians. No one on the side of evil has honor.

actually you would be incorrect there. Stingwingers had captured the others and Villamax told Leo that if he surrendered himself to them since Trakeena wanted him to herself then he would release the others and that is exactly what he did - a villain with no honor would lie but he was honorable so he kept his word and released them once Leo gave himself up.

KimandTommy 06/08/15 08:40 PM

Re: Villamax
But he was still evil, if he was truely honorable he would have helped the Rangers against Trakeena from the beginning.

MattEmily 06/08/15 09:31 PM

Re: Villamax

Originally Posted by KimandTommy (Post 55215)
But he was still evil, if he was truely honorable he would have helped the Rangers against Trakeena from the beginning.

true but there can be villains that aren't entirely evil look at Ecliptor for example he wasn't even a living being he was BUILT for evil but he showed kindness, loyalty, caring and love towards Astronema.

Also some villains like for example look at Mesogog may not see themselves as evil.

Rangerlord 06/09/15 11:55 AM

Re: Villamax
I would say Villamax was even more heroic than Ecliptor . Ecliptor risked everything for what was essentially his adopted daughter. Villamax risked everything for perfect strangers. Yet he still did what he thought was right.

KimandTommy 06/09/15 12:00 PM

Re: Villamax
I know he was heroic in the end. I just don't think he was truely honorable until he turned against Trakeena. He clearly knew he was on the side of evil. He wouldn't be hanging around Onyx and not know. Trakeena openly said she served evil many times.

Mesagog may have not believed himself to be evil. But he was far from honorable. The guy was capable of killing millions.

Starlight Starbrite 06/09/15 12:04 PM

Re: Villamax
Villamax always had a code of honor of sorts. He just was on the wrong side until his actions in the finalie. Villamax was complicated villain who wasn't clearly good or evil until his end. It made for a wonderful story.

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