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Zabitan 06/17/16 10:18 PM

The Official Creepypasta Thread
I’m a hunter. I live out in the woods way up in the mountains far from where all my friends, and family. You may be asking what do I hunt well the usual. Elk, Deer, Bears, even the occasional Wolf, or Mountain Lion.

One day in the winter I decided to go a little bit farther into the woods then I usually go. At first it was like all my other hunting trips I killed a few deer, and elk nothing special.

But then it happened. I heard a strange noise, and when I went to investigate I saw an elk that had been killed but the strangest thing was I didn’t kill it. I looked at how it died, and the wound was strange I’m not sure how to describe it.

Then I heard the strange noise again only this time it sounded like it was getting closer. I don’t know what sound it was but for some reason I wanted to know what it was so I snuck further to were the strange noise was coming from.

I hid by some trees, and waited, and then that’s when I saw it. Some strange creature that I never saw before but one that I definitely heard stories of. Some strange being that looked like maybe it was once like us thousands or millions of years ago but evolution had somehow changed into something that was a hideous mockery of us.

I didn’t know what I did but somewhere I accidentally made a noise, and the creature heard me but thank goodness couldn’t see me. It made some noises trying to get my attention but I was frozen right were I stood.

On the one hand I was scared more scared then I ever was. But on the other I thought if I could kill this creature, and prove it I’d be the most famous hunter ever.

So I tried to sneak up on it but that’s when I made my second mistake. I made another noise, and the creature turned around, and looked me dead center with it’s eyes, and made another noise.

For what seemed like an eternity we both looked at each other, and for some strange reason I could tell it was thinking the same thing I was. That one of us was going to be the hunter, and the other the trophy.

Then we both charged at each other, and I tried to get the first hit but the creature lucked out, and I was hurt. I realized if I tried to fight the creature any longer I would die so I ran I ran as fast as my legs could.

But it seemed for nothing. The creature just kept gaining on me. Panicking I hid by some more trees, and luckily I eluded the creature but it just kept looking for me.

Luckily I found a rock, and quietly threw at off into the distance where it hit some faraway trees, and the craziest thing is it worked, and the creature looked int the direction I threw the rock.

I took my only chance, and I ran back to my home. That night I waited to see if the creature had found my home but thankfully it didn’t, and I have yet to see the creature again.

I then left my cave, and traveled deep underground to where we sasquatch have been living since the surface last froze, and I told my friends, and family what happened but they thought I was crazy.

Maybe there right. Maybe I imagined the whole thing but still I learned my lesson I now stay in my usual hunting spots. But I never venture any further, I just hope I never see another human again.

Zabitan 02/19/17 11:09 PM

Sam Sandwich Creepypasta
So you ever hear of this show called Sam Sandwich it came out in 2012 on Disney Junior, and it was about a superhero named Sam Sandwich who was a giant talking sandwich, and his sidekick was a tomato with a piece or broccoli for a head named Salad Lad.

Anyway in every episode some bad guy would tried to get kids hooked on junk food so they would feel tired, and lazy so they wouldn’t want to play or exercise, and some kid named David would tell Sam Sandwich, and Salad Lad about it so they would go and stop the bad guy,

So one day I was watching Sam Sandwich videos on YouTube when I saw this one video where the title was a bunch of random numbers, and letters, and the picture was all distorted, and creepy looking.

So I clicked on it, and it seemed normal until it got to the part where Salad Lad said eating too much junk food makes you feel tired, and lazy when the kid playing David reached out through the video screen, and grabbed Sam Sandwich.

And they showed a clip of the kid playing David eating an actual sandwich while the voice of Sam Sandwich kept screaming “Oh my God he’s eating me alive, Oh my god I can’t feel my crust ahhh”

PRangerX 02/20/17 06:55 PM

Re: Sam Sandwich Creepypasta
That is pretty wild.

Inner Senshi 02/20/17 06:55 PM

Re: Sam Sandwich Creepypasta
And this was on a kids network?

Zabitan 02/20/17 07:09 PM

Re: Sam Sandwich Creepypasta
Well the show was real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RUB...s&spfreload=10

Just not the part about Sam Sandwich getting eaten.

Gosei Gold 02/20/17 07:28 PM

Re: Sam Sandwich Creepypasta
Lol you had me..

Zabitan 01/01/18 09:37 PM

Re: Zabitan's Creepypasta Thread
So I merged my creepypasta threads because I have both of these stories in this year's Creepypast Cookoff on Bogleech's website as well as a third story which I will post in this thread once they are all officially announced.

Zabitan 01/02/18 04:36 PM

The Conspiracy
Okay this is the other story I have in this years Creepypasta Cookoff I wanted to wait until they were all announced so that I would know for sure if I won or not but I kind of still wanted to share it so I'm sharing it here but I want to keep it on the down low until the winners are announced

The Hyperion Conspiracy

It all started December 10 2028 when NASA started Hyperion the first manned mission to Mars. A small 3-person crew consisting of three astronauts. Captain Carl Douglas, Lt. Sarah O’Brian, and Lt. Michael Stewart had landed on the planet.

At first it was what you would expect nothing but lifeless desert. For the first day it seemed hopeless with not a sign that anything we hadn’t already learned from probes had been found. But the next day Lt. O’Brian claimed she started hearing noises from a nearby cave like formation.

Soon Captain Douglas, and Lt. Stewart also heard it, and the team proceeded to head to the cave. At first it seemed like nothing but mundane geological phenomena like continental drift but then they noticed that it seemed like the cave was getting warmer, and warmer.

And that’s when they found it a strange orange slime covering the walls. They collected samples of it but they knew whatever it was it meant one thing life even in just a micro biotic state did exist on the planet.

They wanted to return to the ship right then, and there to tell everyone else the good news but then they heard more noises like clicks, and that’s when they saw them little tinny blue lights. The team investigated, and discovered that the lights were some type of creature that at best could be described as some strange crossbreed between an anemone, and a dragonfly with maybe a little bit of dandelion.

They weren’t huge or scary if anything they were more afraid of the team then the other way around, and as soon as they saw the lights from the astronaut’s spacesuits they swarmed away as fast as they could deeper into the cave.

The three of them followed the strange creatures, and as they ventured deeper, and deeper it seemed like the cavern was getting bigger, and bigger until they found themselves coming out the bottom of some strange underground canyon, and into some strange underground mountainous area.

They noticed that along with the creatures was some underground river, and some more strange creatures that looked like a cross between trees, and insect eating plants like Venus flytraps, and pitcher plants mixed with frogs, and frilled lizards eating the earlier creatures.

Soon they noticed an entire underground ecosystem with all sorts of strange creatures that at best could be described as a cross between creatures from earth mixed with other creatures if they didn’t look completed unknown.

Strange mammal like beings that seemed to have trunks, flippers, and pouches all at once, strange rocks that turned out to be geometric shaped urchin like creatures. But soon that’s when they heard them two equally horrifying screams.

One was the highest pitched shrill chirp or squawk they had ever heard while in contrast the other was the lowest haunting sounding moan that at best could be described as the noise the ghost of blue whale would make.

There curiosity got the better of them and as they followed the source of the noise that’s when they found something that chilled them to the bone. Down in the deepest canyon in the caverns were two creatures.

Both were equally large somewhere between 50-100ft tall. One resembled a black or dark blue giant turtle but with multiple eyes, with four arms, and two legs, and looked like it had electricity surging through its body.

While the other creature resembled what could only be described as some red dragon with four wings eyes along its neck and body, four legs, and two arms that each looked like a scythe with some organ that looked like an organic gun barrel.

The black turtle creature focused it electricity into large ball, and fired it at the red dragon which looked hurt but rather than scared off simply looked angrier, and revealed the purpose of it’s strange organs when it fired what looked like a small but relentless stream of plasma needles on the black turtle burning its body.

It seemed like that was it for the black turtle when they saw it slither out it’s shell, and reveal that it was really some eel or snake like being, and its limbs were merely part of its shell. The black eel like creature then coiled around the red dragon, and suffocated, and electrocuted it to death, and proceeded to devour the dragon’s corpse.

The three astronauts then proceeded to run as fast as they could before the black snake could find them. It seemed like forever but soon they found the cave the first entered. They ran as fast as they could to the surface.

The astronauts made it to the surface where they ran back to the ship. After a couple of days, the mission was deemed a success, and the team returned to Earth. Nasa reviewed the footage, and studied the samples.

Nasa scientists determined that the orange slime was some strange bacteria like microbe, and that the creatures on Mars must have evolved from it the same way life on Earth did. It was debated if NASA should inform the people about what had happened.

Until they saw the footage of the giant creatures on Mars, and felt that even if man could colonize Mars it might have been only when not if they would find us, and who knows if those things eat each other what would they do to us.

Ultimately it was decided that the risks of colonizing Mars outweighed the benefits. However, that still left one problem. Should they tell the public the truth about what happened no matter how strange? No, there was no way humanity should know what happened it was just too horrifying to know what beings where living on Mars.

So, they hired a small team of film makers under the pretense that they were filming a reenactment of the existing mission that would be used in tv specials, and documentaries.

They told the filmmakers, and actors that the mission was your typical mission that nothing out of the ordinary happened, and that Mars really was the dead world they all thought it was.

They then proceeded air the faked version of the mission as the real thing, and no one not even the people who helped make it knew better. Eventually a few crazies got lucky, and noticed the fakery. But even they simply believed that the mission was faked, and that the technology to go to Mars didn’t exist yet.

But that you see was the brilliant part everyone knew there was a mission but only saw the fake version, and those who knew it was fake didn’t believe there was a mission in the first place after all why would they fake it if there was a real one?

Zabitan 01/06/18 03:02 PM

Re: Zabitan's Creepypasta Thread
I'm only bumping this to let everyone know that all my stories are on Bogleech's Creepypasta Cookoff even if none of them "won".


Zabitan 01/24/18 07:39 PM

Re: The Official Creepypasta Thread
Yet another bump but I changed the title from Zabitan's Creepypasta Thread to The Official Creepypasta thread because if anyone else has their own creepypastas or horror stories they can post them in here as well.

Zabitan 03/24/18 09:46 PM

Re: The Official Creepypasta Thread
My Root Cellar

My name is Curtis Winslow I’m 41 years old. I have a wife name Linda who’s the same age as me, and we have a daughter Katie who’s 13. Until recently I was working as a carpenter in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, that was at least until it happened. An event I’m not even sure I believe .

It started five years ago when we were living in your typical two story, yellow, town house in a tiny neighborhood at the edge of town, It had all the usual things, a kitchen, living room, a dining room all that stuff but there was one thing about it that was always just a little off.

Down in our basement right next to the storage area was an area that had been blocked off with a bunch of boards. At first for the longest time we thought that it just led to a part of the basement that hadn’t been finished.

But then we started running out of room in our storage area, so I began slowly but surely remove every board. And when I was done we found a small white door that had been locked. Linda asked, “What do you think it could be?”.

Katie suggested “Maybe it’s a gateway to a magical world”. I chuckled and said, “Or probably just were whoever lived here before us wanted to hide stuff he didn’t want people to know about”. Katie asked, “Like what daddy?”

I replied, “Oh guns, magazines stuff you probably shouldn’t look at”. I then found our crowbar and then removed the lock on the door, and when we opened it we saw nothing but darkness and dirt. “Huh so it’s a root cellar” Linda said.

I replied still skeptical “Why would somebody go through all this trouble just to hide a root cellar from everybody?”. Linda said, “Maybe there’s something in there they didn’t want anyone to know about”. I joked “Like what rotten turnips?”

The next few days everything was normal until one day I was at home with Katie when I realized I didn’t know where she was. I called out to her “Katie, Katie where are you”. I looked all over the house from top to bottom, and when I couldn’t find her in the first or second stories I looked in the basement.

When I got there, I found Katie right outside the root cellar, but she wasn’t scared or hurt. It looked like she got back from a movie or an amusement park and had the time of her life. I said, “There you are Katie what were you doing?”, and Katie replied, “I was playing in the root cellar, and I was right dad it is a gateway to a magical world”.

“Well next time tell me or mom before you play in it, I was worried about you” I replied “I’m sorry” she said. “That’s okay I think you mom’s just about home, come on we’ll all get ready for dinner”, and we got upstairs.

The next day Linda took Katie to her job at the craft store, so I had the house to myself. I got bored and checked out the basement to see if there was something to do, and I saw the root cellar. For some reason I was drawn to it, so I went inside.

At first it looked like nothing but then when I got to what I thought was the end that’s when I thought I saw the end of the root cellar open to reveal a cave, and I went inside. After a while I saw a light and followed it. When I got out I heard the most beautiful singing in the air.

I looked around, and realized I was in a forest, with a bright blue sunny sky, lush green trees, and sapphire blue streams and lakes. As if it didn’t already look like a fairy tale enough they were little people with wings flying singing beautiful music and making other beautiful sounds.

I saw what looked like mermaids swimming and playing merrily in the streams singing more beautiful music. I saw little gnomes making little houses out mushrooms, and old fruit, and vegetables. It was as if I had died and gone to heaven or at least a Saturday morning cartoon.

Then I saw them all look at me and say, “Come Curtis, come play with us”. “Stay here and you won’t have to worry about anything ever again”. I thought about it just staying here in this strange but wondrous place but then even far into this weird place I thought I heard Linda, and Katie come home.

I said regretfully “Sorry everyone I have to leave maybe me, or Katie will come back next time”, and I walked back to cave, and went out the root cellar. I thought to myself “No way that didn’t happen did it?” But I just shrugged it off and went back upstairs.

I want to say that was my only trip to that strange world, but I’d be lying. One time while we were watching a movie I randomly said, “Oh hey I think I left something in the basement”, and walked off to go to the root cellar, and go to that strange, and wonderful dimension it led to.

Once again, all the little tiny fairies, and gnomes were once again playing to their songs, and asking me to join with them. We danced and sang for what felt like forever. But soon I grew tired and wanted to rest.

Then the fairies, and gnomes told me “Hey Curtis we’re going to have a feast soon one we only have every 100 human years” I replied “Huh that sounds good” they replied “It will be, and we want to invite Katie with you we just love children at our feasts”.

I thought about it and said, “I don’t know I’ll have to ask her, but I still go”. The fairies, and gnomes started singing and dancing again” and I remembered “Oh right Katie, and Linda”, and I left for the cave while behind me the fairies, and gnomes sang “Come back soon Curtis, everyone comes back”.

I didn’t think about what they said or what I agreed to until one day when me, and Katie were alone again Katie kept bugging me to say “Daddy, daddy it’s time to go to where the fairies are for the big feast”

I shrugged her off and said “Hang on sweetie in a minute” thinking she was just playing pretend. But she ran off to the basement. After five minutes of not hearing her I called out “Katie, Katie, Katie” I remembered what she said and went to the basement.

After I couldn’t find her there I looked in the root cellar, and when I got to the magical forest where the fairies lived I saw her playing merrily with the fairies, and gnomes. She looked at me and cried out “There you are daddy”.

The gnomes, and fairies looked at us and said, “You folks are just in time for the feast”. Then they brought out all sorts of plates, and pots, and utensils, and we all at the delicious meat they had served us. We ate until our belies burst.

When we were finally full I asked, “That was delicious what was that stuff”. Then the fairies looked at us and said “Us, silly”. I asked worriedly “Wait what?”. And they all pointed to where a pig faced goblin was scrapping the flesh of a leprechaun’s stomach with a knife while saying with a French accent “Hold still you little imp so I can get to work on my cutlets”.

While the leprechaun who acted more like he was being tickled then disemboweled simply laughed “Aye I would if you could actually hold that thing worth a flog”. I almost puked right than and there but then the fairies, and gnomes looked at me, and said “Okay Curtis you, and Katie ate us so now we get to eat you”.

Me, and Katie screamed “WAIT, WHAT”, and like that all of them sprouted fangs like somebody had shoved garbage disposals in their mouths. Then their teeth started spinning around, and they started coming towards us with the intent to devour us. I screamed “Hurry Katie let’s get the hell out of here”.

We ran and ran as fast as we could while the fairies, and gnomes screamed out “Come back here, you can’t escape, we will taste your delicious flesh”. One of them tried to jump at us but I took off my belt, and whipped it, and they screamed “Iron, Iron they have iron”.

The fairies, and gnomes then ran away as fast as they could. But before they left they cursed out “You may have escaped but they’ll be others we’ll always have food to feast on as long you humans are around”. We then found the cave and went back to the basement.

When we got back we locked the door and boarded it back up. I then looked to Katie, and said “Okay Katie I know me, and mom tell you not to lie most of the time but this time I need you tell mom that when we were in the basement we found a pack of wild animals or a dead body in the root cellar, and that’s why were freaked out, and blocked it off’.

Katie asked, “But why dad?”. I told her “Because I don’t think mommy would believe us, I don’t think anyone would believe us I’m not even sure daddy believes us right now”. Katie agreed, and that was the story we told Linda when she came home.

Nothing strange happened to us afterwards, and eventually we got jobs in Rochester, and moved there but something still bugged me about that old house. At some point I got curious about and did research on it.

The house we used to live later became infamous when it was the site of a rash of disappearances. Not just after we left but before it as well. The worst part was that most of the people who disappeared in our old house with the root cellar were children.

Zabitan 01/08/19 12:20 AM

Re: The Official Creepypasta Thread
Chicken Yard Sinkholes

My grandpa Nathan who lived in Twin Falls Idaho passed away a couple of years ago at the age of 90. Before we moved to Texas, I used to visit him and my Grandma Ellen every weekend, and I would help him on his farm, and he would tell me stories about how life was before I was born. A lot of them were sad, others were happy, but one to this very day still terrifies me.

My parents told me my grandpa was making it up to scare me but I’m still not sure. He said it started back either in the late 50’s or early 60’s when my dad Allen was a little kid. My grandpa, and my grandma had decided to start raising chickens for eggs, and meat on their farm.

So, they bought some lumber, and some fencing, and after a few weeks had made chicken house with a fence surrounding a small area around the chicken house. They bought some chicken food, some hay, and some baskets, and they bought six chickens: Loraine, Mitzi, Sharon,
Barbara, Carla, and Julie.

At first everything was okay but then one day while working in the chicken yard my dad, and my grandpa saw what looked like holes in the ground off in the distance. My dad asked, “What do you think made them Pa?” “Eh probably just gophers” my grandpa shrugged. But my grandma was skeptical “At this time of the year?”. My grandpa assured her “Well we’ll put up some traps just in case”.

Over the next few weeks however they started noticing that the holes were getting closer in a strange spiral pattern around the farm, and the holes that already existed started getting bigger. So, my grandpa started buying chemicals, and repellents, and sprayed them in the area between the holes but the holes kept getting closer.

Then one night my dad started complaining about hearing strange chirping noises and seeing strange lights outside. My grandpa thought maybe it was just fireflies, and crickets but when he went out to look for them, he didn’t see a thing but that didn’t stop him from buying some bug zappers just in case.

A few days later though that’s when it really got weird, we heard one of the chickens clucking for help at the top of its lungs. So, my Grandpa got his shotgun, and ran to the chicken house as fast as he could but when he got there it was too late, and Mitzi had already been eaten. Worse whatever did it was thorough leaving behind only the bones, some blood, and some feathers.

My grandparents, and my dad held a makeshift grave for her, and after a makeshift funeral my dad, and my grandpa
stayed up all night after dinner to watch for whatever ate Mitzi, some time between 10, and 11:30 they heard the chirps, and ran to the chicken house.

When they got there my dad, andmy grandpa couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They weren’t sure what it was other than it was green, flat, seemed to have a segmented body with round marble like purple eyes around its body, and had either tentacles or vines sticking out.

They weren’t sure what it was if it was supposed to be a plant or an animal. All they knew right now was that right now it was trying to eat Loraine. Well eat wasn’t exactly the right word. It was more like the thing was melting Loraine and trying to suck up her slop through it's tentacles.

My grandpa tried to fight of the strange creature but wrapped one its tentacles around his leg. My grandpa let out a scream of pain and fired his shotgun at the thing causing it to let go of him and run back down it’s hole.

When they got back inside my dad asked, “What do you think that thing was Pa”. “Hell, if I know” my grandpa replied “something mutated by those a-bomb test, maybe a Martian, or maybe something that was always there but just now came to surface for whatever reason but all I do know
is we gotta do something about that thing before it eats our chicken, and who knows what else".

Just then they started hearing the chirps again, but this time they got louder, and to my father, and grandfather’s horror they looked outside, and saw a whole pack of the strange creatures burrowing out of the ground and heading towards the house.

My dad, and grandad ran upstairs as fast as they could to wake up my Grandma. “What in God’s name is going on?” My grandma complained. “No time to explain just get the hell out of here “ my grandpa retorted, and the three of ran back down the stars to the back door.

To their horror the pack of strange beings was closing in on them as they backed away into the kitchen, just then my grandma accidentally knocked into a cupboard and knocked off a jar of vinegar. when the vinegar dropped on one of the creatures it shrieked in pain and looked like it was being melted by acid.

My dad, and my grandparents saw this, and grabbed the remaining jars of vinegar, and threw them at the things scaring off each last one of them away. when the strange animals or plants went away my grandma asked, “What do we do now?”. My grandpa shrugged “I don’t know we can’t just tell the cops they’d never believe this”.

They next morning my dad, and mygrandparents bought as much vinegar as they could afford. They even sold some of the things they had bought earlier to get some more. Then they started pouring down the holes, and my dad and grandparents never heard or saw of those strange lifeforms ever again.

I want to say that was the end of all of this but after looking into this story for myself I found stories of farms either having animals go missing or turn up dead with strange holes around their farms, and houses.

Zabitan 01/08/19 12:21 AM

Re: The Official Creepypasta Thread

Ever since I was a kid, I was a fan of Cartoon Network. The best days of my life were when I would come home from school on Fridays and watch all the Cartoon Cartoon shows like Courage the Cowardly dog, Billy and Mandy, and Ben 10.

I stopped watching around when I was a teenager, I told myself it was because I was getting to old to watch that kind of stuff. But I think it was also because that was around the time, they started having that whole live action phase they were going through.

Remember that? when they had stuff like Unnatural History, and Tower Prep, and all those reality game shows, and crap. Yeah most of it sucked but I remember one good thing came out of it, and it was called Argooville.

Now you probably don’t remember that in fact until recently I forgot about it myself mostly because it was hard to watch in the sense that it was only aired very early in the morning, and Cartoon Network didn’t have on the streaming section of their site or on on-demand. In fact, part of the reason I even saw it in the first place was by recording it on my DVR back in the day.

Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. The show itself was about a boy named Johnny Sparks who one day moved to a town called Argooville. At first it seemed like your average ordinary small town were nothing happened but
to Johnny’s horror the town was home to the titular Argoos.

I’m trying to think of how to describe them, the best way I can is that they looked like a person’s top of on top of a giant human head with a bunch of eyes all through out their bodies. Remember Eustace DeMonic’s monster form from Rampage World Tour? Think something like that if his bottom half was just a giant head, and he had eyes all over him.

I remember there were about four in all there was Dr. Arg who was the main villain who looked like a stereotypical mad scientist. There was Scuzz who was the dumbest one who was the comic relief, and looked like a balding man.

Glump who was the big bully strong man type, and finally there was Glooria who was the token female one who looked like a stereotypical blond woman who would act like she was nice but was just as mean and evil as the other Argoos.

I don’t remember if the Argoos used to be humans or if they were always mutants or aliens or whatever they were but I remember the creepiest thing about them was that in every episode they would grab somebody, and the person would just melt, and sink into their body. Sometimes that would just eat them but other times the person would be incorporated into the Argoo, and they would get bigger, and have more eyes.

I don’t remember much about the actual plots of the episodes other than they generally followed some kind of formula of Johnny, and his friends trying to either stop the Argoos or warn the rest of the world about them, with the Argoos themselves having some evil plan that often times would only get foiled either by Johnny, and his friends or the Argoos getting into fights over
who should control the town ending with none of them winning.

The show itself lasted for about 13 episodes but I don’t think it ever had a proper conclusion I know there was a cliffhanger where it looked like Johnny was about to be absorbed by Dr. Arg but that was it. and afterwards I think even I forgot about it.

That was until a few nights ago. It started off normally when I was watching tv when all of a sudden they started showing the first episode of Argooville. Then when they got to the part where Johnny moved to Argoovile, and the Argoos showed up for the first time it stopped being a show, and I was actually there in Argoovile myself, and it was real life.

I remember being freaked out the entire time because I knew best case scenario I would probably die or worst case I’d probably be assimilated by one of the Argoos. In fact I think the only reason that didn’t happen was because they saw use for me as a minion to do mundane things for them but I knew that still meant I was on borrowed time.

I don’t remember how it ended. Maybe I snuck into one of their labs and overloaded one of their machines or maybe I just took Johnny with me, and just got the hell out of Dodge while I could but I remember Johnny being upset with me that we had pretty much left every one else there to whatever horrible fates awaited them but for me I was glad I was out of there.

The rest of my dreams that night weren’t exactly good, walking through a dark street at night with all sorts of animals on the ground, getting in trouble with my dad, doing badly in school but I remember even then being glad that they were just real world anxieties that I was as far away from that place as I could get that even in my dreams that was just a tv show or dream.

When I woke up though I couldn’t get that dream out of my head, so I searched everywhere. I searched Youtube, and KissCartoon but couldn’t find anything. I searched Ebay and asked about it on all the various message boards I go to, and Tumblr.

So please I just want to know. Does anyone else remember Argoovile? Do you remember the episodes? Does anyone have them? Please I must see it for myself I know I saw it. Has anyone else had any weird dreams about
too. I just need to know that it’s real that it’s not just something I imagined.

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