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Kaoskid 02/16/18 09:04 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin sighed dramatically. "Gwen, we are the last descendants of Camelot. We defend the world from Morgana Le Fay, Her son Mordred and the monsters that serve her. This is Alec, your Red Ranger, and I believe you know Strawn."

Alec waved. "We have two more. Marlena and Benny. Marlena is resting after the battle and Benny went to make sure she is OK.... Merlin, Marlena unleashed some kind of flames on the monster."

"....It seems I was right. Marlene has the potential for Magic. My own magic comes from the Seelie court, the power of Light Fae. Morgana gains her power from the Unseelie Court, the Dark Fae. Marlena has the potential to use either or both."

Hexagon Ranger 02/16/18 09:48 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"But how can we be sure that we can trust Marlena? If she uses the same power as Morgana she could turn out to be just as evil".

Hayley Oliver 02/16/18 10:03 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena reached her house and turned around to face Benny.

"Why are you following me?"

Quantum Hunter 02/16/18 10:04 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I am worried about you since you fainted. But I also feel like you might be troubled about something?"

Kaoskid 02/16/18 10:23 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin drew his staff to himself. "The powers themselves are not evil, only the user. Seelie is the power of creation. Sun and water, grass and spring. Unseelie is the power of Destruction. Wind and Snow. Fire and Darkness. They need to be kept in balance. Too much of Unseelie, and death and decay abound. Too much of Seelie, and life is out of flux. Last time Seelie was out of balance......we had overpopulation issues, floods, and overgrowth. Only Marlena can decide how she will use her powers. I do worry about her bloodline, but I have seen heroes fall to darkness, so why not see the opposite."

Luke Skywalker 02/17/18 03:45 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Seeing the Rangers split into two groups, Luke, his curiosity getting the better of him, decided to follow the group that did not disappear on weird magical steeds. Thus, he silently trailed behind Benny, who was following Marlena (apparently the two had demorphed by now as they were travelling across public streets, which had only intrigued Luke even further - for til now he had only heard about the Power Rangers, but never seen one up close and especially not demorphed), until they reached the house he assumed to be the girl's, where she turned around to talk to Benny.

Hayley Oliver 02/17/18 11:25 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena is about to respond to Benny when she sees a young man watching them.

"Looks like we have company".

Quantum Hunter 02/17/18 11:27 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Surprised, Benny turns around to see their visitor.

"Excuse me, can we help you?"

Luke Skywalker 02/17/18 12:20 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Uh-oh, thought Luke, as he realised that he had been spotted. Well, maybe he should've done a better job of hiding himself, but it wasn't every day that you spotted a Power Ranger, was it?

"Y-You..." he said, point at the two, before lowering his hand. "You're Power Rangers! I-I saw what you did, back there..."

Kimberly Hart 02/17/18 12:59 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
" This is how too much . But I guess I am stuck now. I hope this Marlena isn't dangerous? Who is Morgana anyway? I didn't pay attention in history class. Didn't King Arthur rule England during the American Revolution"?

Quantum Hunter 02/17/18 01:04 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights RPG
Benny shurgged and looked at Marlena.

"Eh, can you two execuse me for a moment"

Benny left Marlena to talk to the stranger. He went into the back of the hluse and tried to contact Merlin

"Merlin we got an issue here. Looks like someone discovered our identities"

Hayley Oliver 02/17/18 01:08 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena shook her head. After everything that happened she wasn't in the mood

"Sir, I don't know what you thought you saw but we are not superheroes. We were just filming a class project. My friend over there is a big nerd. But my boyfriend is coming soon and he gets jealous very easily. I wouldn't share your story either. Because if he finds out he will no doubt come after you".

Luke Skywalker 02/17/18 01:17 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Luke was observant, and noticed the girl seemed more weary than caught-with-her-hand-in-the-cookie-jar.

"Hey, no offence, Miss, but I'm not stupid. I saw what you guys did out there. I'm pretty sure they don't have real life CGI yet in the 21st century-that was no movie!"

PRangerX 02/17/18 02:20 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
( Moved Quantum's post to correct. thread)

Quantum Hunter 02/17/18 02:27 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny didn't get a response from Merlin. But he overheard Marlena's conversation with their visitor. Benny came up with a plan and decided to morph. Once Morphed he approached Marlena and Luke.

"Hey she is telling the truth , she this is just a costume."

Benny removed his helmet and gave it to Luke

"See I designed it myself. And those special effects well they were just very realistic."

Kaoskid 02/17/18 03:27 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin answered Benny. "The white sword is reacting. I will be there in a second." He turned to Gwen. "Camelot was long before the American Revolution, taking place when England and much of Europe was young and full of monsters. It was created to be a refuge from ghosties and ghoulies and long legged beasties and things that go bump in the Night. Alec and the pool can answer your questions until I return." Once more, Merlin vanished in a blinding light.

Quantum Hunter 02/17/18 03:32 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny was relieved to hear from Merlin. Since he could see there was no fooling Luke.

"Well I guess there is no point to keeping this up. Merlin is on his way. He can answer any of your questions. Looks like your not gonna just be a spectator."

Benny took his helmet back and de-morphed.

Hexagon Ranger 02/17/18 03:39 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
" Really ? Arthur the King of England during the American Revolution? What are they teaching in schools these days"

"Well I am going to follow Merlin and check on our new recruit. Alec , can answer your questions Gwen. "

Strawn manned his steed and followed Merlin

Luke Skywalker 02/17/18 04:48 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Luke smirked as the morphed Ranger gave him his helmet, trying to get him to believe it was a prop, only to admit his own bad attempt at fooling him the next moment and de-morph once he had been contacted by... someone.

Wait, Merlin?!

"Merlin? The guy with the white beard and the long blue hat? And... no longer a 'spectator'? What?" Luke asked, confused.

Kaoskid 02/17/18 05:09 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin nodded, appearing in a flash of light.

".....Well, the hat is a Disney invention, and I prefer being bareheaded but yes.....Luke is it? I am Merlin and you are descended from Lancelot and Galahad, if I do not miss my guess." The white sword burned, causing the other swords to react.

Alec crossed his arms. "OK, so basically, an Evil Witch named Morgana wants to take over the world and kill us to death for......well for being born. Merlin gathered us to protect the planet. We fight Morgana so she does not turn the planet into a flaming winter wasteland."

Kimberly Hart 02/17/18 05:58 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
" You mean we could die! Get me out of here! "

Hexagon Ranger 02/17/18 05:59 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn arrived behind Merlin and demorphed, sending his steed to hide.

Kaoskid 02/17/18 08:09 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec frowned. ".....Did you miss the point about if we don't, EVERYONE dies. You. Me. Your parents. Your Friends. My mom. The dog across the street. Everyone."

Kimberly Hart 02/17/18 08:26 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Hey, its not everyday you find out you are the descendent of Queen Elizabeth and have to fjght ugly knight guys!"

Kaoskid 02/17/18 08:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"....Guinevere, not Elizabeth. But Gwen, you do make one point. Not everyone can be a knight. Not everyone can be a hero. Not everyone is chosen to save the world. I am scared, but I know this is the most important thing I will ever do."

Kimberly Hart 02/17/18 09:31 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Wow she has the same name as me I guess that make us her my great times a 100 grandmother. " Gwen laughed, happy the tension was lifted.

Luke Skywalker 02/18/18 02:37 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Luke stepped back, staring at the old man that had just appeared out of nowhere with a strange expression.

"Lancelot... and Galahad, huh?"

Luke didn't know whether to trust this strange man or not. Then again, he was obviously with the Power Rangers, whom he himself had tailed to this place, so he did not have a reason not to trust them. At that point, the Blue Ranger appeared and demorphed behind Merlin to reveal a bulky man. Luke stared at him, for a few moments, still getting used to the 'You're Talking to the Power Rangers' part of this whole ordeal.

"So what, that kinda makes Galahad like my distant father and Lancelot my grandfather? I always preferred Gawain and never Lancelot... felt Lancelot made too many poor choices in his life, but Galahad was a much better man than his father. Proud to be descended from the 'greatest knight ever'... but even if I am their descendant, what does that have to do with anything?"

Kaoskid 02/18/18 02:48 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin held aloft the white sword. "It means you can protect the world from Morgana, alongside the other rangers. It means you, like them, are burdened with a heavy destiny"

Luke Skywalker 02/18/18 03:21 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"M-Morgana...?" Luke stared at the white sword, which seemed to somehow beckon him, calling on him to hold it. "Wait, you're saying, that I am a Power Ranger, too?"

He grasped the hilt of the white sword, and immediately felt himself overcome by a surge of power.

Kaoskid 02/18/18 01:43 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin nodded. "You are a ranger too."

Alec sighed and rubbed his eyes. Whenever he let the rage take over, he felt exhausted.

Hexagon Ranger 02/18/18 07:36 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I didn't believe it myself Lance but now that I have seen it, its impossible to ignore. Will you join us?"

Kimberly Hart 02/18/18 07:37 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Are you okay Alec? You look like your spacing out?"

Hayley Oliver 02/18/18 07:41 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Merlin when I used that fire I felt magic. But it felt evil. Is it the magic of my bloodline? I don't know where it came from? I just felt intense anger and the fire appeared. Am I cursed to go down Morgana's path" ?

Quantum Hunter 02/18/18 07:43 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Merlin isn't Morgana Arthur's sister? Doesn't that make Marlena a descendent of Arthur too? Showing that the bloodline can be good or evil?

Kaoskid 02/18/18 08:49 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin beamed at Benny's knowledge. "Indeed. Marlena, as I explained before, you have the power of both the Seelie and Unseelie. Creation and Destruction. Your bloodline is tied to both, but it is your choice. Just look at me. I am descended from a monster, a demon or fae of some kind, yet I spent my lifetime helping others."

Alec sat down, drained. "Sorry. It has been a long couple days and The Dragon takes his toll." Alec laughed bitterly. His dad, may he rest in peace, was the one who explained about the dragon to him. The Pendragon rage that caused a rush of strength, in return for devastating consequences. It was the reason Alec had been kicked out of six schools in as many years.

Kaoskid 02/21/18 03:27 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
As the rangers rested, Sir Fallen and Sir Broken were being berated. Purple flames burned them, cast from Morgana.

"You fools had one job. Now there is SIX of them. Well, I will give you a second chance. Unite your powers to destroy the city and the rangers. I will give you titans might if you fall."

Luke Skywalker 02/21/18 10:50 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I..." Luke looked at the sword, then at Strawn. A part of him was afraid, but a part of him felt like this had been the calling he had been waiting for his whole life.

"It's Luke," he said to Strawn, "my name is Luke. But yes... I think I will join you, even though now that I think about it, it'll be pretty dangerous."

Thus did Luke Solon join the Power Rangers.

Kaoskid 02/21/18 11:44 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec sat up, tired, and headed to the others. He needed to meet the new recruit.

Quantum Hunter 02/21/18 10:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I think we should all get back to base. " said Benny

"You coming Marlena?"

Kaoskid 02/24/18 02:43 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
The two Evil Knights appeared in the city, flanked by a small army of Knightmares. The twins nodded to each other silently and as one, began to attack city hall.

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